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githubbinaryupload 0.1.10
GitHub Binary Upload
github-binary-upload is a script for creating GitHub releases from Git tags with attached assets.
From PyPI:
python3 -m pip install github-binary-upload
Self-contained executables for Linux x86_64 with glibc >= 2.17 (any recent Linux distribution) and macOS High Sierra
and newer are available on the releases page.
AUR package for Arch Linux users:
After installation you can run github-binary-upload:
usage: github-binary-upload [-h] [-g GITHUB_SERVER] [-c CREDENTIALS_FILE] [-l]
[-n] [-u USERNAME] [-V]
[project] [tag] [assets [assets ...]]
github-binary-upload is a utility for publishing releases from tags with attached files on GitHub.
positional arguments:
project GitHub project in the format "<user>/<project name>"
tag tag that will be published as a release, ignored if '
--latest' is given
assets files that will be attached to the release
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
GitHub server hostname (default:
path to a file containing username and password/access
token (on two separate lines, default: ~/.github-
-l, --latest get the latest tag from the GitHub API
-n, --dry-run only print which releases would be published
user account for querying the GitHub API; the password
is read from stdin
-V, --version print the version number and exit
github-binary-upload -u ExampleUser -l ExampleUser/ExampleProject MySecondAsset.whl
to create a release from the latest tag in the GitHub project ExampleUser/ExampleProject. The files
and MySecondAsset.whl will be attached as downloadable files.
github-binary-upload can be called multiple times on the same tag. The release will be recreated each time. This is
especially useful to CI pipelines which can run more than once.
Python API
github-binary-upload defines a function publish_release_from_tag which can be called from Python code:
from github_binary_upload import publish_release_from_tag
project, tag, assets, github_server, username, password, dry_run
If tag is None, the latest tag will be converted to a GitHub release. dry_run is an optional parameter which
defaults to False.
Please open an issue on GitHub if you experience bugs or
miss features. Please consider to send a pull request if you can spend time on fixing the issue yourself. This project
uses pre-commit to ensure code quality and a consistent code style. Run
make git-hooks-install
to install all linters as Git hooks in your local clone of github-binary-upload.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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