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gitlabmultigrouprunner 0.1.2
GitLab Multi Group Runner
Until the creation of this README (July 2021), GitLab lacks the feature of assigning a CI runner to multiple groups (see
issue #23722 in the GitLab code repository). This project
circumvents this limitation by assigning runners to all projects of given groups with the GitLab API.
This tool can be used as a command line program from any machine which has network access to your GitLab instance.
Alternatively, you setup it as a custom GitLab runner which is triggered from a configuration repository.
This tool needs administrator access to your GitLab instance.
Install as a standalone command line tool
gitlab-multi-group-runner is available on PyPI for Python 3.5+ and can be installed with pip:
python3 -m pip install gitlab-multi-group-runner
pip will create an executable gitlab-multi-group-runner.
If you use Arch Linux or one of its derivatives, you can also install gitlab-multi-group-runner from the
yay -S python-gitlab-multi-group-runner
You also find self-contained executables for 64-bit Linux distributions and macOS High Sierra and newer on the releases
page. They are created with
PyInstaller and only require glibc >= 2.17 on Linux (should be fine on any recent Linux
Install as a custom GitLab runner
This is the recommended setup.
You can follow these steps:
Create a new empty GitLab repository which will contain the configuration file.
Install GitLab runner on a dedicated host as described in the GitLab runner
documentation (of course a virtual machine or an LXC is also sufficient).
Go to the webpage of your fresh GitLab repository and navigate to Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners and copy the
registration token from the Specific runners section. Disable Shared runners.
Run the register command on the GitLab runner host
gitlab-runner register
and enter these values:
GitLab instance URL
URL to your GitLab instance
Registration token
Copied before
Clone the GitHub repository onto your GitLab runner host and run
the installation:
git clone
cd gitlab-multi-group-runner
make install
By default, the make install command will install a custom GitLab runner driver to /opt/multi-group-runner-driver.
You can pass PREFIX to the make command to change the installation destination.
Edit /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml:
Configure the builds_dir and cache_dir settings:
builds_dir = "/home/gitlab-runner/builds"
cache_dir = "/home/gitlab-runner/cache"
Configure the run stage:
run_exec = "/opt/multi-group-runner-driver/bin/run_stage"
run_args = [ "-f", "/opt/multi-group-runner-driver/etc/gitlab_multi_group_runnerrc.yml" ]
Create a configuration file /opt/multi-group-runner-driver/etc/gitlab_multi_group_runnerrc.yml. See the section
Configuration for more details.
Restart the GitLab runner service:
sudo systemctl restart gitlab-runner
Create a configuration file multi-group-runner-config.yml in the top level directory of the GitLab repository. See
Configuration for more details.
Create a CI configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml next to multi-group-runner-config.yml with the content:
- apply-config
stage: apply-config
script: noop
This minimal configuration file is needed to trigger a CI pipeline when new commits are pushed to the repository and
to activate the custom CI runner.
(Optional) Go to the webpage of your fresh GitLab repository and navigate to CI/CD -> Schedules and create a
repeating event to configure new projects automatically in a defined interval.
When the CI pipeline is triggered, the configuration file in the repository is read and the runner will reconfigure the
runners in the configured groups and projects. You should see something like
Running on multi-group-configuration-runner...
[INFO] Disable shared runners in project "mygroup/myproject"
[INFO] Enable runner "intel-docker", (id: 10, tags: ["docker", "intel"]) in project "mygroup/myproject"
in your CI job log.
gitlab-multi-group-runner uses two configuration files:
The first configuration file must be located on the same machine as the executable gitlab-multi-group-runner. It
contains parameters which are needed for the GitLab API access and specifies which runners and groups are allowed to
be configured and which configuration repositories are accepted (see next step). This is an example configuration file
(can also be printed with gitlab-multi-group-runner --print-example-config):
disable_shared_runners: true
auth_token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- allowed_projects_rules:
- my-group-name
- my-user-name
- 1
- 3
branch: master
path: administration/my-multi-group-runners
Some notes:
disable_shared_runners specifies if shared runners will be disabled in all repositories which are reconfigured
by this tool. Set it to false, to not touch shared runners.
The auth_token must be a token for the administrator account with api and read_repository access. Login as
root and go to Preferences -> Access Tokens to generate a new token.
allowed_projects_rules is a set of rules to identify projects which are allowed to be configured. Currently, only
the rule one_member_of is supported. The value is a list of groups and users from which it least one user must be
a member of the project which shall be configured.
Example: If foo is given, then all projects in the group foo are allowed to be configured. If another
project bar has a member of group foo, the project bar can be configured as well.
ids is a list of runner ids which are allowed to be assigned to the projects defined by allowed_projects_rules.
The Admin Area of your GitLab instance contains a Runners section which lists all runners and their ids.
Important: Only specific runners can be used (so group runners must be re-registered as specific runners first).
It does not matter if specific runners are locked or not.
config_repo specifies the GitLab repository which contains the second configuration file. The configuration
repository specifies concretely which runners are assigned to which groups and projects.
Note that allowed_projects_rules, ids and config_repo form a list item of the runners list. You can specify
as much triples as you need to describe which configuration repositories can configure which combinations of
runners, groups and projects.
As noted before, the second configuration part is located in a Git repository on your GitLab instance. It must be
located in the top level root and must be named multi-group-runner-config.yml. This is an example configuration (can
also be printed with gitlab-multi-group-runner --print-example-repo-config):
- groups_and_projects:
- mygroup
- myusername/myproject
- 1
- 3
The runners section is a list of group/project and runner combinations. It configures which runners will be assigned
to which concrete projects and groups.
Usage of the standalone command line tool
Run gitlab-multi-group-runner with a local configuration file and a configuration repository path:
gitlab-multi-group-runner -f my_config.yml administration/my-multi-group-runners
gitlab-multi-group-runner will read both configuration files, check if the settings in
administration/my-multi-group-runners are allowed and make the appropriate GitLab API calls to add the runners to the
given projects.
You can run with the --all parameter to fetch all configuration repositories which are defined in my_config.yml.
Usage as a custom GitLab runner
Push a new commit to your configuration repository and wait for the CI pipeline to complete. That's it!
Please open an issue on GitHub if you experience bugs
or miss features. Please consider to send a pull request if you can spend time on fixing the issue yourself. This
project uses pre-commit to ensure code quality and a consistent code style. Run
make git-hooks-install
to install all linters as Git hooks in your local clone of gitlab-multi-group-runner.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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