gitlab-trace 0.7.1

Creator: bradpython12

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gitlabtrace 0.7.1

Sometimes I want to look at the GitLab CI build status from my terminal
$ gitlab-trace
GitLab project: Foretagsdeklaration/foretagsdeklaration
Available jobs for pipeline #84214:
--job=500786 - success - build_server
--job=500787 - success - build_client
--job=500788 - success - test_safety
--job=500789 - success - test_dev_safety
--job=500790 - success - test_bandit
--job=500791 - success - test_crontabs
--job=500792 - success - test_newrelic
--job=500793 - success - unittests_server
--job=500794 - success - unittests_client
--job=500795 - success - build_docker_image
--job=500796 - failed - test_robot
--job=500797 - success - test_robot_bolfin
You can take a closer look at a failed job by passing the job ID
$ gitlab-trace --job=500796
Uploading artifacts...
robottests/output: found 540 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=500796 responseStatus=201 Created token=6yaRqQPr
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
You can watch a job while it is running
$ gitlab-trace --job=500796 --tail --follow
Uploading artifacts...
robottests/output: found 540 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=500796 responseStatus=201 Created token=6yaRqQPr
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
You can watch the currently running job
$ gitlab-trace --running --tail --follow
Uploading artifacts...
robottests/output: found 540 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=500796 responseStatus=201 Created token=6yaRqQPr
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
You can look at a different branch
$ gitlab-trace --branch=master
GitLab project: Foretagsdeklaration/foretagsdeklaration
Available jobs for pipeline #84185:
--job=500692 - success - build_server
--job=500693 - success - build_client
--job=500694 - success - test_safety
--job=500695 - success - test_dev_safety
--job=500696 - success - test_bandit
--job=500697 - success - test_crontabs
--job=500698 - success - test_newrelic
--job=500699 - success - unittests_server
--job=500700 - success - unittests_client
--job=500701 - success - build_docker_image
--job=500702 - failed - test_robot
--job=500703 - success - test_robot_bolfin
--job=500704 - success - tag_docker_image
--job=500705 - manual - deploy_stv_managedkube_alpha
--job=500706 - manual - deploy_id06_alpha
--job=500707 - manual - deploy_id06_alpha_fs31
--job=500708 - manual - deploy_id06_beta
--job=500709 - manual - deploy_id06_beta_fs31
--job=500710 - manual - deploy_stv_alpha
--job=500747 - success - test_robot
You can look at the Nth latest pipeline
$ gitlab-trace -1 # the latest one, default when run with no arguments

$ gitlab-trace -2 # the one before that

$ gitlab-trace --branch=mybranch -1 # the last one on this branch
You can look at a specific pipeline by ID
$ gitlab-trace 84185
You can look at a specific job in that pipeline
$ gitlab-trace 84185 test_robot
If a job has been retried several times you can look at a specific run
$ gitlab-trace 84185 test_robot 1

$ gitlab-trace 84185 test_robot 2

pip3 install --user gitlab-trace should take care of everything, just make
sure ~/.local/bin is on your $PATH.
Or you may want to use a script installer like pipx (my favourite).

Create a ~/.python-gitlab.cfg like this:
default = mygitlab

url =
private_token = ...
You can create a private access token in your GitLab profile settings. It’ll
need the “read_api” access scope.

Help is available via
$ gitlab-trace --help
usage: gitlab-trace [-h] [--version] [-v] [--debug] [-g NAME] [-p ID]
[--job ID] [--running] [-b NAME] [-t [N]] [-f]
[--print-url] [-a]

gitlab-trace: show the status/trace of a GitLab CI pipeline/job.

positional arguments:
PIPELINE-ID select a GitLab CI pipeline by ID (default: the last
pipeline of a git branch)
JOB-NAME select a GitLab CI pipeline job by name
NTH-JOB-OF-THAT-NAME select n-th GitLab CI pipeline job by this name
(default: the last one)

-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose print more information
--debug print even more information, for debugging
-g NAME, --gitlab NAME
select configuration section in ~/.python-gitlab.cfg
-p ID, --project ID select GitLab project ('group/project' or the numeric
--job ID show the trace of GitLab CI job with this ID
--running show the trace of the currently running GitLab CI job,
if there is one (if there's more than one, picks the
first one)
-b NAME, --branch NAME, --ref NAME
show the last pipeline of this git branch (default:
the currently checked out branch)
-t [N], --tail [N] show the last N lines of the trace log
-f, --follow periodically poll and output additional logs as the
job runs
--print-url, --print-uri
print URL to job page on GitLab instead of printing
job's log
-a, --artifacts download build artifacts


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