gkeep-sync 0.0.1b0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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gkeepsync 0.0.1b0


Helps you backup your local file notes
Helps you access your Google Keep notes through the local file system and therefore your favorite text editor


Create a label named autosync through the Google Keep UI

Clone the repo

git clone git@github.com:kanevk/gkeep-files-sync.git
cd gkeep-files-sync

Open virtual environment

pipenv shell

Install dependencies

pipenv install

Create a local config:

python3 gkeep_sync/generate_config.py "[Google email]" "[Google app password]" "[Notes root directory]"

_For more information about the config options check .config.example.json

Start the server

python3 gkeep_sync/sync_server.py

Note: Sometimes Google don't let you use your user password and in this case you have to fill .config.json field password with newly generated App password


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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