gmssl-pyx 2.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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gmsslpyx 2.0.0

python wrapper (C extension) of GmSSL
使用的版本是 GmSSL-3.1.0
支持 Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10
pip install gmssl-pyx

from gmssl_pyx import sm2_key_generate, sm2_encrypt, sm2_decrypt

# 生成 SM2 公私钥
public_key, private_key = sm2_key_generate()
# 加密
plaintext = b"hello world"
ciphertext = sm2_encrypt(public_key, plaintext)
print("ciphertext", ciphertext)
# 解密
plaintext = sm2_decrypt(private_key, ciphertext)
print("plaintext", plaintext)

from gmssl_pyx import sm2_key_generate, sm2_sign, sm2_verify

# 生成 SM2 公私钥
public_key, private_key = sm2_key_generate()

# 没有 signer_id 和 SM3 杂凑值 z
# 签名
message = b"hello world"
signature = sm2_sign(private_key, public_key, message, signer_id=None)
print("signature", signature)
# 验证签名
verify = sm2_verify(public_key, message, signature, signer_id=None)
print("verify", verify)

# 默认 signer_id 和 SM3 杂凑值 z
signature = sm2_sign(private_key, public_key, message)
print("signature", signature)
# 验证签名
verify = sm2_verify(public_key, message, signature)
print("verify", verify)

# 自定义 signer_id 和 SM3 杂凑值 z
signer_id = b"signer_id"
signature = sm2_sign(private_key, public_key, message, signer_id=signer_id)
print("signature", signature)
# 验证签名
verify = sm2_verify(public_key, message, signature, signer_id=signer_id)
print("verify", verify)

ASN.1 DER 编码
加密和签名的结果都是 ASN.1 DER 编码,如果要得到原始的密文和签名,可以参考下面的例子
需要安装 pycryptodomex 库
pip install pycryptodomex

from Cryptodome.Util.asn1 import DerSequence, DerOctetString, DerInteger
from gmssl_pyx import sm2_key_generate, sm2_encrypt, sm2_decrypt

# 生成 SM2 公私钥
public_key, private_key = sm2_key_generate()
# 加密
plaintext = b"hello world"
ciphertext = sm2_encrypt(public_key, plaintext)
print("ciphertext", ciphertext)
seq_der = DerSequence()
decoded_ciphertext = seq_der.decode(ciphertext)
# ASN.1 DER 解码
# c1: point(x, y) 64bytes
# c2: ciphertext len(data)
# c3: hash 32bytes
# der order: c1x c1y hash ciphertext
c1x = decoded_ciphertext[0]
c1y = decoded_ciphertext[1]
c3 = DerOctetString().decode(decoded_ciphertext[2]).payload
c2 = DerOctetString().decode(decoded_ciphertext[3]).payload
# 模式为 C1C3C2
raw_ciphertext = c1x.to_bytes(32, "big") + c1y.to_bytes(32, "big") + c3 + c2

# 如果需要解密原始密文,需要先进行 ASN.1 DER 编码
seq_der = DerSequence()
c1x = raw_ciphertext[:32]
x = DerInteger(int.from_bytes(c1x, byteorder='big'))
c1y = raw_ciphertext[32:64]
y = DerInteger(int.from_bytes(c1y, byteorder='big'))
c3 = raw_ciphertext[64:64 + 32]
c2 = raw_ciphertext[64 +32:]
ciphertext = seq_der.encode()
plaintext = sm2_decrypt(private_key, ciphertext)
print("plaintext", plaintext)

# 签名
signature = sm2_sign(private_key, public_key, message)
seq_der = DerSequence()
decoded_sign = seq_der.decode(signature)
# ASN.1 DER 解码,两个 32 字节的整数
r = decoded_sign[0]
s = decoded_sign[1]
print('r', r)
print('s', s)
raw_signature = '%064x%064x' % (r, s)

# 验证原始签名同样需要先进行 ASN.1 DER 编码
r = int(raw_signature[:64], base=16)
s = int(raw_signature[64:], base=16)
seq_der = DerSequence()
signature = seq_der.encode()
verify = sm2_verify(private_key, public_key, message, signature)
print('verify', verify)

公钥长度为 64 字节,是两个 32 字节的整数 x y 拼接而成。
如果公钥长度为 65 字节,那么第一个字节为 '\x04' ,表示后面的 64 字节就是公钥。
如果公钥长度为 33 字节,那么第一个字节为 '\x02' 或者 '\x03' ,
这是一种压缩格式,后面的 32 字节为整数 x , y 可以根据 x 计算出来。
私钥长度为 32 字节,没有其他变化。
from gmssl_pyx import sm2_key_generate, normalize_sm2_public_key

raw_public_key, _ = sm2_key_generate()
k1 = normalize_sm2_public_key(raw_public_key)
assert k1 == raw_public_key
k1 = normalize_sm2_public_key(b'\x04' + raw_public_key)
assert k1 == raw_public_key

# 压缩版公钥
y = int.from_bytes(raw_public_key[32:], byteorder='big')
if y % 2 == 0:
# y 是偶数
compressed_public_key = b'\x02' +raw_public_key[:32]
compressed_public_key = b'\x03' + raw_public_key[:32]
k1 = normalize_sm2_public_key(compressed_public_key)
assert k1 == raw_public_key

hash 计算
from gmssl_pyx import sm3_hash

message = b'hello world'
signature = sm3_hash(message)
print('message', message)
print('signature', signature.hex())

hmac 计算
import secrets
from gmssl_pyx import sm3_hmac

key = secrets.token_bytes(32)
message = b"sm3_hmac"
hmac_data = sm3_hmac(key, message)
print("message", message)
print("hmac_data", hmac_data)

kdf 计算
import secrets
from gmssl_pyx import sm3_kdf

key = secrets.token_bytes(32)
new_key = sm3_kdf(key, 32)
print('kdf new_key', new_key)

CBC 模式加密和解密
import secrets
from gmssl_pyx import (

key = secrets.token_bytes(SM4_KEY_SIZE)
iv = secrets.token_bytes(SM4_BLOCK_SIZE)
plaintext = b"hello world"
# 加密
ciphertext = sm4_cbc_padding_encrypt(key, iv, plaintext)
print("ciphertext", ciphertext.hex())

# 解密
decrypted = sm4_cbc_padding_decrypt(key, iv, ciphertext)
print("decrypted", decrypted)

CTR 模式加密和解密
import secrets
from gmssl_pyx import (

key = secrets.token_bytes(SM4_KEY_SIZE)
ctr = secrets.token_bytes(SM4_BLOCK_SIZE)
plaintext = b"hello world"
# 加密
ciphertext = sm4_ctr_encrypt(key, ctr, plaintext)
print("ciphertext", ciphertext.hex())

# 解密
decrypted = sm4_ctr_decrypt(key, ctr, ciphertext)
print("decrypted", decrypted)

GCM 模式加密和解密
import secrets
from gmssl_pyx import sm4_gcm_encrypt, sm4_gcm_decrypt, SM4_KEY_SIZE, SM4_BLOCK_SIZE

plaintext = b'hello world'
key = secrets.token_bytes(SM4_KEY_SIZE)
iv = secrets.token_bytes(SM4_BLOCK_SIZE)
aad = secrets.token_bytes(16)
# 加密
ciphertext, tag = sm4_gcm_encrypt(key, iv, aad, plaintext=plaintext)
print('ciphertext', ciphertext)

# 解密
plaintext = sm4_gcm_decrypt(key, iv=iv, aad=aad, ciphertext=ciphertext, tag=tag)
print('plaintext', plaintext)

如果要查看所有可用的 API ,可以看 gmsslext.pyi 文件。


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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