gnmi-py 0.7.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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gnmipy 0.7.1

gNMI Python Client
Python 3
General Use
pip3 install gnmi-py

git clone
# installs pipenv and requirements
make init
pipenv shell

Python 2
Not supported :)
% gnmipy --help
usage: gnmipy [-h] [--version] [-c CONFIG] [-d] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
[--encoding {json,bytes,proto,ascii,json-ietf}]
[--prefix PREFIX] [--get-type {config,state,operational}]
[--interval INTERVAL] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
[--heartbeat HEARTBEAT] [--aggregate] [--suppress]
[--mode {stream,once,poll}]
[--submode {target-defined,on-change,sample}] [--once]
[--qos QOS] [--use-alias]
target {capabilities,get,subscribe} [paths [paths ...]]

positional arguments:
target gNMI gRPC server
gNMI operation [capabilities, get, subscribe]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to gNMI config file

-d, --debug enable gRPC debugging

-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD

Common options:
--encoding {json,bytes,proto,ascii,json-ietf}
set encoding
--prefix PREFIX gRPC path prefix (default: <empty>)

Get options:
--get-type {config,state,operational}

Subscribe options:
--interval INTERVAL sample interval in milliseconds (default: 10s)
--timeout TIMEOUT subscription duration in seconds (default: None)
--heartbeat HEARTBEAT
heartbeat interval in milliseconds (default: None)
--aggregate allow aggregation
--suppress suppress redundant
--mode {stream,once,poll}
Specify subscription mode
--submode {target-defined,on-change,sample}
subscription sub-mode
--once End subscription after first sync_response. This is a
workaround for implementions that do not support
'once' subscription mode
--qos QOS DSCP value to be set on transmitted telemetry
--use-alias use aliases

gnmipy -u admin veos1:6030 subscribe /interfaces

# using jq to filter results
gimpy -u admin veos1:6030 subscribe /system | \
jq '{time: .time, path: (.prefix + .updates[].path), value: .updates[].value}'

from gnmi.structures import SubscribeOptions
from gnmi import capabilites, get, delete, replace, update, subscribe
from gnmi.exceptions import GrpcDeadlineExceeded

paths = ["/system"]
target = "veos:6030"

for notif in get(target, paths, auth=("admin", "")):
prefix = notif.prefix
for update in notif.updates:
print(f"{prefix + update.path} = {update.get_value()}")
for delete in notif.deletes:
print(f"{prefix + delete} = DELETED")

for notif in subscribe(target, paths, auth=("admin", ""),
prefix = notif.prefix
for update in notif.updates:
print(f"{prefix + update.path} = {update.get_value()}")
for delete in notif.deletes:
print(f"{prefix + delete} = __DELETED__")


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