goodruns 2.8.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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goodruns 2.8.1

goodruns provides an implementation of an ATLAS Good Run List (GRL)
reader/writer in Python, and collection of useful command-line tools.

goodruns requires at least Python 2.5. Unlike the standard ATLAS GoodRunsLists
package, goodruns does not depend on ROOT for XML
processing unless you are reading from or writing to a ROOT file (see below).
For faster XML reading/writing goodruns will optionally use lxml if installed. Install PyYAML if you would like to convert GRLs into
YAML format.

Install the latest released version of goodruns with
pip install --user goodruns
Omit the --user for a system-wide installation (requires root privileges).
Add ${HOME}/.local/bin to your ${PATH} if using --user and if
it is not there already (put this in your .bashrc):
export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin${PATH:+:$PATH}
To upgrade an existing installation, add the -U option in the pip
command above.

An example of how to use goodruns:
from goodruns import GRL

grl = GRL('grl.xml')
# or:
grl = GRL('')
# or (if '/path/to/grl' is a ROOT.TObjString in data.root):
grl = GRL('data.root:/path/to/grl')

# check if the GRL contains the lumiblock 231 in run 186356:
if (186356, 231) in grl:
# do something
The GRL is automatically optimized (lumiblocks are merged and sorted):
>>> from goodruns import GRL
>>> a = GRL()
>>> a.insert(1, (1,4))
>>> a.insert(1, (7,10))
>>> a
RUN: 1
1 - 4
7 - 10
>>> a.insert(1, (6,7))
>>> a
RUN: 1
1 - 4
6 - 10
>>> a.insert(1, (5,5))
>>> a
RUN: 1
1 - 10

Command-line Tools
goodruns also provides a collection of command-line tools
for combining, manipulating, and inspecting GRLs. As above
GRLs may be XML files, URLs, or in ROOT files.

grl diff
Use grl diff to determine the GRL containing the runs/lumiblocks in
A.xml but not in B.xml:
grl diff A.xml B.xml
In other words, B.xml is subtracted from A.xml.
All command-line tools print on stdout. Redirect stdout to a file to save
the result:
grl diff A.xml B.xml > C.xml
You may supply more than two GRLs to grl diff:
grl diff A.xml B.xml C.xml D.xml > E.xml
which results in the GRL E=((A-B)-C)-D). This is equivalent to:
grl diff A.xml B.xml | grl diff C.xml | grl diff D.xml > E.xml
The output of one command can be piped into any of the other commands
in goodruns.

grl and, grl or, grl xor
These scripts implement logical combinations of GRLs. Logical AND:
grl and A.xml B.xml > C.xml
grl or A.xml B.xml > C.xml
and XOR (exclusive OR):
grl xor A.xml B.xml > C.xml
Again, these commands can be combined arbitrarily:
grl and A.xml B.xml | grl or C.xml | grl xor D.xml > E.xml
and any GRL argument can also be a ROOT file or URL:
grl and data.root:/path/to/grl

grl clip
Use grl clip to truncate a GRL between a starting run/lumiblock and ending
grl clip --help
usage: grl clip [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-f FORMAT] [--startrun STARTRUN]
[--startlb STARTLB] [--endrun ENDRUN] [--endlb ENDLB]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output filename (optional)
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
Output format: xml, yml, txt, py, cut
--startrun STARTRUN Start run
--startlb STARTLB Start lumiblock
--endrun ENDRUN End run
--endlb ENDLB End lumiblock

grl convert
grl convert can convert a GRL from XML format into YAML:
grl convert -f yml A.xml
- !!python/tuple [125, 156]
- !!python/tuple [158, 161]
- !!python/tuple [382, 388]
- !!python/tuple [390, 390]
- !!python/tuple [396, 396]
- !!python/tuple [398, 415]
- !!python/tuple [417, 431]
- !!python/tuple [433, 453]
- !!python/tuple [455, 469]
- !!python/tuple [471, 474]
- !!python/tuple [476, 479]
- !!python/tuple [114, 116]
- !!python/tuple [118, 124]
- !!python/tuple [126, 140]
- !!python/tuple [144, 149]
- !!python/tuple [151, 170]
- !!python/tuple [173, 176]
or plain text:
grl convert -f txt A.xml
RUN: 186178
125 - 156
158 - 161
RUN: 186179
382 - 388
398 - 415
417 - 431
433 - 453
455 - 469
471 - 474
476 - 479
RUN: 186180
114 - 116
118 - 124
126 - 140
144 - 149
151 - 170
173 - 176
grl convert will also convert a GRL into Python code (dict of lists of
tuples) or (as a joke) a ROOT TCut expression.

grl runs
grl runs simply prints the run numbers, one per line, contained
within a GRL:
grl runs A.xml
Quickly print the runs contained in a GRL from a URL:
grl runs

grl find
grl find prints the GRLs containing a run number and lumiblock number (if
any). The lumiblock number is optional, and if left unset all GRLs containing
the run will be printed. For example, you can determine which ROOT file contains
the run 215643 and lumiblock 400 with the following command:
grl find --path Lumi/tau --pattern "*.root*" --run 215643 --lb 400 globbed*path*


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