gpt-from-scratch 1.1

Creator: bradpython12

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gptfromscratch 1.1

GPT From Scratch
GPT From Scratch is an open-source implementation of a GPT-style transformer model, designed for scalability and efficiency. By leveraging Distributed Data Parallel (DDP) training, this project allows for efficient multi-GPU training, making it easier to train large-scale models on extensive datasets.

Built from scratch GPT-style transformer model
Efficient multi-GPU training using PyTorch's Distributed Data Parallel (DDP)
Scalable and optimized for large datasets
Easy-to-use interface for training and inference

Our model outperforms the GPT-2 checkpoint values on the HellaSwag benchmark, demonstrating the effectiveness of our implementation.
Model Output
Model Before Training:
On a clear day indis DNSヘラ ignore Happ Ce Croatian mugVAavorable303 wayomb prom bartender surmia pass standingotoshanMore intensely Lent loaf

Model After Training:
On a clear day, our community is growing and we are enjoying the beauty and tranquility of our natural surroundings. While it may not be a

Training Loss and HellaSwag Evaluation
Here is a figure showing the training/validation loss and model's performance on the HellaSwag benchmark:

Install from PyPI
To install the package from PyPI, run the following command:
pip install gpt_from_scratch

Install from Github
To install the latest version directly from GitHub, use:
pip install git+

Tokenizing Data
Before training, you need to tokenize your data and prepare it in shards. Use the provided script to process your data efficiently with multiprocessing.
python scripts/ --local_dir "edu_fineweb10B"


--local_dir: Directory where tokenized data will be stored.
--remote_name: Identifier for the remote dataset to download.
--shard_size: Number of tokens each data shard will contain.
--dataset_path: Full path to the dataset on the data hosting platform (e.g., Hugging Face).
--tokenizer_model: The tokenizer model to use.

Training the Model
You can train the model using a single GPU or multiple GPUs with Distributed Data Parallel (DDP).
Single GPU Training
python scripts/

Multi-GPU Training
For multi-GPU training, ensure that your environment variables (WORLD_SIZE, RANK, LOCAL_RANK) are set correctly to facilitate distributed training. The torchrun command simplifies this setup.
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=8 scripts/


--n_batches: Number of batches for training or validation per iteration.
--n_tokens: Number of tokens to process per batch.
--data_root: Directory where tokenized data is stored.
--vocab_size: Total number of unique tokens in the model's vocabulary.
--emb_dim: Dimension of the embedding layer.
--context_length: The length of the input sequences.
--drop_rate: Dropout rate to use within the model to prevent overfitting.
--n_layers: Number of layers in the transformer model.
--n_heads: Number of attention heads in each transformer layer.
--qkv_bias: Enable bias in the query, key, and value projections within attention layers.
--monitor: Toggle to enable performance monitoring during training.
--torch_matmul_precision: Precision setting for matrix multiplications in PyTorch.
--log_dir: Directory to store training logs.
--n_epochs: Total number of training epochs.
--warmup_iters: Number of iterations to linearly increase the learning rate from zero to the initial rate.
--max_iters: Maximum number of iterations to perform during training.
--total_batch_size: Total batch size across all distributed training instances.
--metrics: Metrics used to evaluate the model's performance.
--max_lr: Maximum learning rate used in the learning rate scheduler.
--min_lr: Minimum learning rate as part of the cyclical learning rate schedule.

Example Commands
For a complete training session on 8 GPUs with specific parameters:
torchrun --standalone --nproc_per_node=8 scripts/ --data_root "data/edu_fineweb10B" --n_batches 16 --n_tokens 1024 --vocab_size 50304 --emb_dim 768 --context_length 1024 --n_layers 12 --n_heads 12

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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