grafana-wtf 0.19.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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grafanawtf 0.19.1

grafana-wtf - grep through all Grafana entities in the spirit of git-wtf.

This program can put significant load on your Grafana instance
and the underlying database machinery. Handle with care!

Search Grafana (dashboards and datasources) for string “weatherbase”.
grafana-wtf find weatherbase
Display 50 most recent changes across all dashboards.
grafana-wtf log --number=50
Explore dashboards and datasources in more detail.
grafana-wtf explore dashboards
grafana-wtf explore datasources
Explore plugins.
grafana-wtf plugins list
grafana-wtf plugins status
Run with Docker:
# Access Grafana instance on localhost, without authentication.
docker run --rm -it \
--env GRAFANA_URL="http://host.docker.internal:3000" \ grafana-wtf info

# Access Grafana instance with authentication.
docker run --rm -it \
--env GRAFANA_URL="" \
--env GRAFANA_TOKEN="eyJrIjoiWHg...dGJpZCI6MX0=" \ grafana-wtf info


grafana-wtf find

grafana-wtf log


Install grafana-wtf
pip install grafana-wtf

Configure Grafana
Please take these steps to create an API key with your Grafana instance:

Go to
Choose “New API Key”.

Key name: grafana-wtf
Role: Admin

From the output curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJrIjoiWHg...dGJpZCI6MX0=" ...,
please take note of the Bearer token. This is your Grafana API key.


Grafana connection
To configure to which Grafana instance to connect to, and how to authenticate, use
the --grafana-url and --grafana-token command line options.
Alternatively, before running grafana-wtf, you can define URL and access token
of your Grafana instance by using environment variables:
export GRAFANA_TOKEN=eyJrIjoiWHg...dGJpZCI6MX0=
In order to accept untrusted SSL certificates, append the ?verify=no query string

grafana-wtf will cache HTTP responses for 60 minutes by default, in order to save
resources, by not hitting the server each server. You can configure that setting by using
the --cache-ttl option, or the CACHE_TTL environment variable.
When invoking the program with the --drop-cache option, it will drop its cache upfront.


General information
# Display a bunch of meta information and statistics.
grafana-wtf info --format=yaml

# Display Grafana version.
grafana-wtf info --format=json | jq -r '.grafana.version'

Explore data sources
How to find unused data sources?
# Display all data sources and the dashboards using them, as well as unused data sources.
grafana-wtf explore datasources --format=yaml

# Display names of unused datasources as a flat list.
grafana-wtf explore datasources --format=json | jq -r '.unused[]'

Explore dashboards
How to find dashboards which use non-existing data sources?
# Display some details of all dashboards, including names of missing data sources.
grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=yaml

# Display only dashboards which have missing data sources, along with their names.
grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | \
jq '.[] | select(.datasources_missing) | .dashboard + {ds_missing: .datasources_missing[] | [.name]}'
How to find dashboards using specific data sources?
# Display all dashboards which use a specific data source, filtered by data source name.
grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.datasources | .[].type=="<datasource_name>")'

# Display all dashboards using data sources with a specific type. Here: InfluxDB.
grafana-wtf explore dashboards --format=json | jq '.[] | select(.datasources | .[].type=="influxdb")'
How to list all queries used in all dashboards?
grafana-wtf explore dashboards --data-details --queries-only --format=json | \
jq '.[].details | values[] | .[] | .expr,.jql,.query,.rawSql | select( . != null and . != "" )'

Searching for strings
Find the string weatherbase throughout all dashboards and data sources:
grafana-wtf find weatherbase

Replacing strings
Replace all occurrences of ldi_v2 with ldi_v3 within dashboard with
grafana-wtf --select-dashboard=_JJ22OZZk replace ldi_v2 ldi_v3
In order to preview the changes, you should use the --dry-run option
grafana-wtf --select-dashboard=_JJ22OZZk replace ldi_v2 ldi_v3 --dry-run

Display edit history
Watching out for recent editing activity on any dashboards?
# Display 50 most recent changes across all dashboards.
grafana-wtf log --number=50

For discovering more command line parameters and their arguments, please invoke
grafana-wtf --help and have a look at grafana-wtf examples.

git clone
cd grafana-wtf

# Run all tests.
make test

# Run selected tests.
pytest --keepalive -vvv -k test_find_textual


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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