grakel-dev 0.1a6

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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grakeldev 0.1a6

GraKeL: A library for graph kernels
GraKeL is a library compatible with the project of scikit-learn
The GraKeL library requires:

Python (>=2.7, >=3.5)
NumPy (>=1.8.2)
SciPy (>=0.13.3)
Cython (>=0.27.3)
cvxopt (>=1.2.0) [optional: lovasz]
future (>=0.16.0) (for python 2.7)

Installing Dependencies
You can install the dependencies as follows:
$ pip install extension>=extension_version

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Installing the development-version
To install the development-version using pip execute:
$ pip install grakel-dev

Getting Started
Two pointers to get you started:
You first need to build the package's c++ extensions
locally by executing:
$ python build_ext -i

To test the package, execute:
$ nosetests

For executing unit_tests or use a testing-interface for testing the kernel module:
$ python grakel/tests/ --help
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--problematic] [--slow]
[--ignore_warnings] [--dataset DATASET] [--normalize]
[--develop | --all | --main]

A test file for all kernels

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbose print kernels with their outputs on stdout
--problematic allow execution of problematic test cases in development
--slow allow execution of slow test cases in development
--ignore_warnings ignore warnings produced by kernel executions
--dataset DATASET chose the datset you want the tests to be executed
--normalize normalize the kernel output
--develop execute only tests connected with current development
--all execute all tests
--main execute the main tests [default]

For testing graph_kernels:
$ python grakel/tests/ --help
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--problematic] [--slow]
[--normalize] [--ignore_warnings]
[--dataset DATASET] [--develop | --all | --main]

A test file for all kernels

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbose print kernels with their outputs on stdout
--problematic allow execution of problematic test cases in development
--slow allow execution of slow test cases in development
--normalize normalize the kernel output
--ignore_warnings ignore warnings produced by kernel executions
--dataset DATASET chose the datset you want the tests to be executed
--develop execute only tests connected with current development
--all execute all tests
--main execute the main tests [default]

And for testing the Graph class:
$ python grakel/tests/ --help
usage: [-h] [--verbose] [--ignore_warnings]

A test file for all `Graph` type objects

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--verbose verbose outputs on stdout
--ignore_warnings ignore warnings produced by kernel executions

You can also execute the kernel test locally through a test-main-function as
$ python -m grakel.tests

To learn how to integrate your own kernel and how to contribute to the GraKeL project, please read the sections Write your own kernel and Contributing in the Documentation, respectively.
GraKeL comes with a BSD 3-clause license (as with scikit-learn).
It contains the C++ source code of BLISS (a library for graph isomorphism) which is LGPL licensed.
Futhermore its optional dependency in the package of cvxopt (a tool for solving convex-optimization problems) comes with a GPL license.
If you use GraKeL in a scientific publication, please cite our paper:
title={GraKeL: A Graph Kernel Library in Python},
author={Siglidis, Giannis and Nikolentzos, Giannis and Limnios, Stratis and Giatsidis, Christos and Skianis, Konstantinos and Vazirgiannis, Michalis},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.02193},


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