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graphenedjangoextensions 0.4.5
Graphene Django Extensions
pip install graphene-django-extensions
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Extensions for writing GraphQL schemas with the graphene-django library with less boilerplate.
The main features are:
A new ObjectType DjangoNode, which:
adds convenience methods for managing permissions for both the ObjectType and individual fields.
adds a hook for adding filtering to both single items and lists returned by the ObjectType.
adds convenience methods for creating Fields, ListFields, Nodes, and Connections for the ObjectType.
adds filterset filters automatically to ListFields created for the ObjectType.
automatically optimizes queries using graphene-django-query-optimizer.
A new MutationType DjangoMutation, which:
adds convenience methods for managing permissions.
adds create, update operation with serializers and delete operations with optional validation hook.
adds an option for custom model operations.
makes updates fully partial by default.
adds better error handling.
A new ModelSerializer NestingModelSerializer, which:
adds pre and post save handlers for creating or updating related entities from nested serializer fields,
all within a single transaction to ensure atomicity.
adds better handling of constraint integrity errors by finding violation_error_message from the constraint.
adds get_or_default method for finding default values for field validation.
A new FilterSet ModelFilterSet, which:
changes the default filters for related fields to the custom IntChoiceFilter and IntMultipleChoiceFilter
filters, which don't make database queries to check if the given primary keys for the filters actually
correspond to existing rows for the database model.
adds a custom ordering filter automatically to all subclasses, with the default pk filter.
allows adding new ordering filters with the Meta.order_by attribute.
order_by fields are converted to enums for better autocompletion in GraphiQL.
allows combining multiple method filters with the Meta.combination_methods attribute.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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