grappa-http 0.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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grappahttp 0.1.3

HTTP request/response assertion plugin for grappa.
grappa-http extends grappa assertion operators with HTTP protocol testing.
To get started, take a look to the documentation, tutorial and examples.

grappa-http is still beta quality software.

import pook
import requests
from grappa_http import should

# Activate the HTTP mock engine

# Register a sample mock
pook.get('', reply=200,
response_headers={'Server': 'nginx'},
response_json={'foo': 'bar'})

# Perform HTTP request
res = requests.get('')

# Test response status to be OK
res |
# Or alternatively using the status code
res | should.have.status(200)

# Test request URL
res | should.have.url.hostname('')
res | should.have.url.port(80)
res | should.have.url.path('/foo')
res | should.have.url.query.params({'bar': 'baz'})

# Test response body MIME content type
res | should.have.content('json')

# Test response headers
(res | (should.have.header('Content-Type')'application/json')))
res | should.have.header('Server').that.should.contain('nginx')

# Test response body
res |'{\n "foo": "bar"\n}')
res | should.have.body.that.contains('foo')

# Test response body length
res | should.have.body.length.of(20)
res | should.have.body.length.higher.than(10)

# Test response JSON body
res |{'foo': 'bar'})
res | should.have.json.have.key('foo') >'bar')

# Validate response JSON bodies using JSONSchema
res | should.implement.jsonschema({
'$schema': '',
'title': 'Response JSON',
'type': 'object',
'required': ['foo'],
'properties': {
'foo': {
'description': 'foo always means foo',
'type': 'string'
Full-featured error report example:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "grappa-http/tests/", line 38, in test_http_tutorial
res |'{\n "foo": "baa"\n}')
File "grappa/grappa/", line 208, in __ror__
return self.__overload__(value)
File "grappa/grappa/", line 196, in __overload__
return self.__call__(subject, overload=True)
File "grappa/grappa/", line 73, in __call__
return self._trigger() if overload else Test(subject)
File "grappa/grappa/", line 113, in _trigger
raise err
AssertionError: Oops! Something went wrong!

The following assertion was not satisfied
subject "{\n "foo": "bar"\n}" should have body equal to "{\n "foo": "baa"\n}"

What we expected
a response body data equal to:
"foo": "baa"

What we got instead
a response body with data:
"foo": "bar"

Difference comparison
> {
> - "foo": "bar"
> ? ^
> + "foo": "baa"
> ? ^
> }

File "grappa-http/tests/", line 38, in test_http_tutorial

30| res | should.have.content('json')
32| # Test response headers
33| (res | (should.have.header('Content-Type')
35| res | should.have.header('Server').that.should.contain('nginx')
37| # Test response body
38| > res |'{\n "foo": "baa"\n}')
39| res | should.have.body.that.contains('foo')
41| # Test response body length
42| res | should.have.body.length.of(20)
43| res | should.have.body.length.higher.than(10)
45| # Test response JSON body


Full-featured HTTP response assertions.
Supports any protocol primitive assertions.
First-class support for JSON body assertion.
Built-in JSONSchema validation.
Full-features request URL validation.
Featured regular expression based assertion.
Works with requests and aiohttp HTTP clients.
Friendly and detailed assertion error reporting with body diff comparisons.
Provides both expect and should assertion styles.
Testing framework agnostic. Works with unittest, nosetests, pytest, behave…
Works with Python 2.6+, 3+, PyPy and possibly other Python implementations.

Supported HTTP clients

✔ requests
✘ aiohttp (work in progress)

Using pip package manager:
pip install --upgrade grappa-http
Or install the latest sources from Github:
pip install -e git+git://


v0.1.3 / 2017-04-26

fix(adapters): use issubclass for adapter valid interface.

v0.1.2 / 2017-04-25

feat(api): add use_adapter() API for custom adapter registering
feat(jsonschema): update example which uses satisfy attribute operator

v0.1.1 / 2017-03-29

feat(requirements): upgrade grappa to latest version
feat(operators): add output size limit
feat(docs): add thanks badge
refactor(docs): update description
feat(examples): add featured example
fix(package): read version from grappa_http package
fix(docs): use grappa_http package

0.1.0 (2017-03-25)

First version (beta)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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