GreenRocket 0.30

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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GreenRocket 0.30

Green Rocket
Green Rocket is a simple and compact implementation of Observer
(or Publish/Subscribe) design pattern via signals.
Create specific signal using base one:
>>> from greenrocket import Signal
>>> class MySignal(Signal):
... pass
Subscribe handler:
>>> @MySignal.subscribe
... def handler(signal):
... print('handler: ' + repr(signal))
Fire signal:
>>> MySignal().fire()
handler: MySignal()
If you are using asyncio, you can also use coroutines as handlers
and fire signal asynchronously using await Signal.afire() or
yield from Signal().afire(). Method afire() works well with
synchronous handlers too.
Note, that signal propagates over inheritance, i.e. all subscribers of base
signal will be called when child one is fired:
>>> @Signal.subscribe
... def base_handler(signal):
... print('base_handler: ' + repr(signal))
>>> MySignal().fire()
handler: MySignal()
base_handler: MySignal()
Unsubscribe handler:
>>> MySignal.unsubscribe(handler)
>>> MySignal().fire()
base_handler: MySignal()
The handler is subscribed using weak reference. So if you create and subscribe
a handler in local scope (for example inside a generator), it will be
unsubscribed automatically.
>>> def gen():
... @MySignal.subscribe
... def local_handler(signal):
... print('local_handler: ' + repr(signal))
... yield 1
>>> for value in gen():
... MySignal(value=value).fire()
local_handler: MySignal(value=1)
base_handler: MySignal(value=1)
>>> import gc # PyPy fails the following test without
>>> _ = gc.collect() # explicit call of garbage collector.
>>> MySignal(value=2).fire()
base_handler: MySignal(value=2)
>>> Signal.unsubscribe(base_handler)
As you can see above, signal constructor accepts keyword arguments. These
arguments are available as signal’s attributes:
>>> s = MySignal(a=1, b=2)
>>> s.a
>>> s.b
Signal suppresses any exception which is raised on handler call. It uses
logger named greenrocket from standard logging module to log errors and
debug information.
The library also provides Watchman class as a convenient way for testing
Create watchman for specific signal:
>>> from greenrocket import Watchman
>>> watchman = Watchman(MySignal)
Fire signal:
>>> MySignal(x=1).fire()
Test signal:
>>> watchman.assert_fired_with(x=1)
>>> watchman.assert_fired_with(x=2) # DOCTEST: +ellipsis
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Failed assertion on MySignal.x: 1 != 2
>>> watchman.assert_fired_with(x=1, y=2) # DOCTEST: +ellipsis
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: MySignal has no attribute y
Watchman object saves each fired signal to its log:
>>> watchman.log
>>> MySignal(x=2).fire()
>>> watchman.log
[MySignal(x=1), MySignal(x=2)]
The method assert_fired_with tests the last signal from
the log by default:
>>> watchman.assert_fired_with(x=2)
But you can specify which one to test:
>>> watchman.assert_fired_with(-2, x=1)



Added Signal.afire() method that returns awaitable to support
coroutine-based signal handlers
Dropped Python 2.6 and 3.2 support


Added Watchman class as a testing helper


Removed distribute dependency
Improved tests


Changed handler subscription mechanism from subscription by reference to
subscription by weak reference


Fixed logger loose on program termination


Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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