growlery 0.3.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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growlery 0.3.1

Growlery - The Clan Quest OSRS Discord Bot

Ever since the untimely demise of RuneInfo, there's been a lack of OSRS support
in the Discord bot department. While RuneScape 3 has Elenora, it doesn't
support OSRS.
The Council of Elders looked about them and saw regression, not progress. The
decision was made by the wisest: a new bot would be hardened and removed from
the cycle. Its power would herald a new era.







The project is currently available both as a source release, and as a wheel,
via PyPI
pip install growlery

and as GitHub releases.
Installation requires Python 3.10 or newer. The project is platform-independent
and should work fine on all major operating systems. Each release has been
automatically tested to run on Windows, Ubuntu, and Mac OS.
To run the bot, either manually execute growlery/ or, alternatively,
you may run it as an executable package
python -m growlery

as long as the needed environmental variables have been set.
The bot expects a Discord authentication token to be given via an environmental
variable called DISCORD_TOKEN. It can alternatively be provided by writing it
to a file called .env and placing that inside the growlery folder. An
example file could look like this:

Note that the example token is just a dummy.
If you need to generate a token, go to the Discord developers page
and create a new bot. This tutorial may prove useful.
The only required permissions are:

Read Messages/View Channels
Send Messages
Use Slash Commands

But for future-proofing, the following are recommended:

Manage Messages
Manage Threads
Embed Links
Attach Files
Read Message History
Add Reactions


Minimal dependencies
Supports fetching and printing hiscores, minigame scores, and boss kills as formatted text tables on Discord
Graceful handling of invalid usernames
List of supported commands:

/07hs <username>

Prints a table with the given user's stat hiscores, if available

/07hs-minigames <username>

Prints a table with the given user's minigame hiscores, if available

/07hs-bosses <username>

Prints a table with the given user's boss kills, if available

The hiscores commands support additional postfixes for different kinds of rankings. Aside from the default, you can fetch the ranks for:

Ironmen (eg. /07hs-im <username>)
Hardcore Ironmen (eg. /07hs-hcim <username>)
Ultimate Ironmen (eg. /07hs-uim <username>)
Skillers (eg. /07hs-skiller <username>)
1-defence pures (eg. /07hs-def <username>)

Planned features

Fetching skill hiscores
Fetching minigame hiscores
Fetching boss hiscores
Player comparisons
Storing usernames for Discord IDs
Support for the new Slash Commands

Caught a Bug?

Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and
then clone it to your local device
Install poetry (if it isn't already installed)
Run poetry install --with dev,linters,tests in the project directory. This fetches development
dependencies like pytest and sets up everything for you to start debugging

As always, you can run the tests using: poetry run pytest


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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