gtdzen 0.1.3

Creator: railscoder56

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gtdzen 0.1.3

GTDzen======This is a simple but flexible library and application to realize [Getting Things Done][gtd] method by David Allen.GTDzen is based on a simplicity, so you'll not find any projects, contexts or areas of responsibility. I'm sure,that all you need is smart tagging and correct priorities, I call it - "Tagged GTD Workflow".Installation------------First of all, you need to install all requirements. Next, you can install gtdzen.If you install from the source, run `python install`.If you wish to install from the PyPi, use `easy_install gtdzen` or `pip install gtdzen`.Tutorial--------There is only command line interface right now. But I'll be happy if somebody helps me to build a GUI for Mac OS X.I use such aliases in the ZSH/BASH: alias gtshow='gtd show' alias gtwork='gtd show today,work' alias gthome='gtd show today,home' alias gtlate='gtd show -today' alias gta='gtd add' alias gtdone='gtd close' alias gtu='gtd update'(This package includes 'aliases' file. You can "source" it in your shell's config.)Using these aliases, you can quickly update and process your task list. For example:Lets fill our task list: # gta "To write script" 10 today,project,python # gta "Add a new field to the model and update database schema." 8 today,project,python # gta "Find how to use sqlachemy-migration and sqlite" 5 project,pythonNow you can list tasks for today: # gtshow today 1 "To write script" / 10.0 (project, python, today) 2 "Add a new field to the model and update database schema." / 8.0 (project, python, today)Here, you can see two opened tasks for today, sorted by priority. Lets close first task: # gtdone 1 Task 1 was closed # gtshow today 2 "Add a new field to the model and update database schema." / 8.0 (project, python, today)If you need more tasks, than you can look at tasks not planned for today, and update tags accordinglyto your workflow: # gtshow -today 3 "Find how to use sqlachemy-migration and sqlite" / 5.0 (project, python) # gtu 3 - - -project,read,today,internet Task "Find how to use sqlachemy-migration and sqlite" / 5.0 (internet, python, read, today) was updatedThe command 'gtd update' accepts almost the same parameters as 'gtd add' command, with few exceptions:1 At first place, you must pass task or tasks numbers. If you update many task, than it must be a comma separated list, like this one: 1,5,32 If you don't want to change title, priority or tags, just pass minus symbol instead of them.3 With 'update' command for add or remove tags. To add a new tag, just pass it's name as usual. To remove, add a prefix -.Ok, it's all. Have a fun and build your own tagged GTD workflow.Configuration-------------You can specify some configuration options through 'config' file.By default, 'gtd' searches options in ~/.gtdrc file, but for can specifyanother location, using command line argument --config.Here is default config with some comments: [gtd] # Path to database database = ~/.gtd/todo.sqlite # Enable or disable daily backups backup = false # Where to place backup backup_dir = ~/.gtd/backupsTODO----* automatic database migrations.* bash/zsh autocomplete.* task annotations.* import/export to/from some XML format.License-------This code is licensed under the New BSD License. See more details in the LICENSE file.Contacts--------My name is Alexander Artemenko. Feel free to contact me by email or jabber:, you can clone [this project at GitHub][at-github] and send me patches.[gtd]:[at-github]:


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