guard-exception 1.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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guardexception 1.1.0

- guard all exception for swift run python

- pip install guard-exception

- guardExceptionWithOutParams: execute function without parameters
- guardException: execute function with parameters
- guardSearchKeyException: look for a key
- guardSearchKeryRecursiveException: look for a key recursively
- guardExceptionIsIterable: return 1 or 0, if exists key on dic

import guard_exception as ge

gg = ge.guard_exception()

def divide(a, b):
return a / b

print(gg.guardException(divide, a=1, b=0))

# result cli
# {'data:': None, 'error': 'division by zero'}

example on swift with PythonKit
import PythonKit
let hvac = Python.import("hvac")
let ge = Python.import("guard_exception")
let gg = ge.guard_exception()

let client = hvac.Client(url: "")

let user = "incorrect_user"
let params = Python.dict()
params["username"] = PythonObject(user)
params["password"] = PythonObject("incorrect_password")

print(gg.guardException(client.login, url: "v1/auth/userpass/login/\(user)", use_token: true, json: params))

// result: cli
//{'data': None, 'error': 'invalid username or password, on post'}

example complete on swift
// guardException
// guardSearchKeyException
// guardSearchKeryRecursiveException

import Vapor
import PythonKit
let hvac = Python.import("hvac")
let ge = Python.import("guard_exception")
let gg = ge.guard_exception()

// token structure for authentication
// Content: help resolve the api response -> json
public struct Token: Content {
public var client_token: String!
public var accessor: String!
public var policies: [String]!
public var token_policies: [String]!

// swift class for authentication
public class autentication {
// MARK: - Properties
let client = hvac.Client(url: "")
var token: Token?

// MARK: - Initializers
public init() { }

public func login(user: String, password: String) -> Token {
let params = Python.dict()
params["username"] = PythonObject(user)
params["password"] = PythonObject(password)

let generated = Python.dict(gg.guardException(self.client.login, url: "v1/auth/userpass/login/\(user)", use_token: true, json: params))

// result genereted
'request_id': '45464674xxxxxxxb',
'lease_id': '',
'renewable': False,
'lease_duration': 0,
'data': None,
'wrap_info': None,
'warnings': None,
'auth': {
'client_token': 'hvs.CAESasdfasdfxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'accessor': 'TvExxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1ESqjW',
'policies': ['default'],
'token_policies': ['default'],
'metadata': {'username': 'rafael'},
'lease_duration': 2764800,
'renewable': True,
'entity_id': 'dadxxxf8-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx',
'token_type': 'service',
'orphan': True,
'mfa_requirement': None,
'num_uses': 0
'error': None

let auth = gg.guardExceptionIsIterable(generated, key:"data")

if Int(auth["data"])! > 0 {

let client_token = String(gg.guardSearchKeryRecursiveException(generated, key:["data", "auth", "client_token"])["data"])
let accessor = String(gg.guardSearchKeryRecursiveException(generated, key:["data", "auth", "accessor"])["data"])
let policies = [String](gg.guardSearchKeryRecursiveException(generated, key:["data", "auth", "policies"])["data"])!
let token_policies = [String](gg.guardSearchKeryRecursiveException(generated, key:["data", "auth", "token_policies"])["data"])!

if client_token != nil {
self.token = Token(
client_token: client_token,
accessor: accessor,
policies: policies,
token_policies: token_policies

return self.token ?? Token(client_token: nil, accessor: nil, policies: [], token_policies: [])



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