guidedlda 2.0.0.dev22

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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guidedlda 2.0.0.dev22

GuidedLDA: Guided Topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation====================================================.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status.. image:: :target: :alt: Package version``GuidedLDA`` OR ``SeededLDA`` implements latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) using collapsed Gibbs sampling. ``GuidedLDA`` can be guided by setting some seed words per topic. Which will make the topics converge in that direction.You can read more about guidedlda in `the documentation <>`_.Installation------------:: pip install guidedldaIf pip install does not work, then try the next step::: cd GuidedLDA sh python sdist pip install -e .If the above step also does not work, please raise an `issue <>`_ with details of your workstation's OS version, Python version, architecture etc. and I will try my best to fix it ASAP.Getting started---------------``guidedlda.GuidedLDA`` implements latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). The interface followsconventions found in scikit-learn_.`Example Code <>`_.The following demonstrates how to inspect a model of a subset of the NYTnews dataset. The input below, ``X``, is a document-term matrix (sparse matricesare accepted)... code-block:: python >>> import numpy as np >>> import guidedlda >>> X = guidedlda.datasets.load_data(guidedlda.datasets.NYT) >>> vocab = guidedlda.datasets.load_vocab(guidedlda.datasets.NYT) >>> word2id = dict((v, idx) for idx, v in enumerate(vocab)) >>> X.shape (8447, 3012) >>> X.sum() 1221626 >>> # Normal LDA without seeding >>> model = guidedlda.GuidedLDA(n_topics=5, n_iter=100, random_state=7, refresh=20) >>> INFO:guidedlda:n_documents: 8447 INFO:guidedlda:vocab_size: 3012 INFO:guidedlda:n_words: 1221626 INFO:guidedlda:n_topics: 5 INFO:guidedlda:n_iter: 100 WARNING:guidedlda:all zero column in document-term matrix found INFO:guidedlda:<0> log likelihood: -11489265 INFO:guidedlda:<20> log likelihood: -9844667 INFO:guidedlda:<40> log likelihood: -9694223 INFO:guidedlda:<60> log likelihood: -9642506 INFO:guidedlda:<80> log likelihood: -9617962 INFO:guidedlda:<99> log likelihood: -9604031 >>> topic_word = model.topic_word_ >>> n_top_words = 8 >>> for i, topic_dist in enumerate(topic_word): >>> topic_words = np.array(vocab)[np.argsort(topic_dist)][:-(n_top_words+1):-1] >>> print('Topic {}: {}'.format(i, ' '.join(topic_words))) Topic 0: company percent market business plan pay price increase Topic 1: game play team win player season second start Topic 2: life child write man school woman father family Topic 3: place open small house music turn large play Topic 4: official state government political states issue leader case >>> # Guided LDA with seed topics. >>> seed_topic_list = [['game', 'team', 'win', 'player', 'season', 'second', 'victory'], >>> ['percent', 'company', 'market', 'price', 'sell', 'business', 'stock', 'share'], >>> ['music', 'write', 'art', 'book', 'world', 'film'], >>> ['political', 'government', 'leader', 'official', 'state', 'country', 'american','case', 'law', 'police', 'charge', 'officer', 'kill', 'arrest', 'lawyer']] >>> model = guidedlda.GuidedLDA(n_topics=5, n_iter=100, random_state=7, refresh=20) >>> seed_topics = {} >>> for t_id, st in enumerate(seed_topic_list): >>> for word in st: >>> seed_topics[word2id[word]] = t_id >>>, seed_topics=seed_topics, seed_confidence=0.15) INFO:guidedlda:n_documents: 8447 INFO:guidedlda:vocab_size: 3012 INFO:guidedlda:n_words: 1221626 INFO:guidedlda:n_topics: 5 INFO:guidedlda:n_iter: 100 WARNING:guidedlda:all zero column in document-term matrix found INFO:guidedlda:<0> log likelihood: -11486362 INFO:guidedlda:<20> log likelihood: -9767277 INFO:guidedlda:<40> log likelihood: -9663718 INFO:guidedlda:<60> log likelihood: -9624150 INFO:guidedlda:<80> log likelihood: -9601684 INFO:guidedlda:<99> log likelihood: -9587803 >>> n_top_words = 10 >>> topic_word = model.topic_word_ >>> for i, topic_dist in enumerate(topic_word): >>> topic_words = np.array(vocab)[np.argsort(topic_dist)][:-(n_top_words+1):-1] >>> print('Topic {}: {}'.format(i, ' '.join(topic_words))) Topic 0: game play team win season player second point start victory Topic 1: company percent market price business sell executive pay plan sale Topic 2: play life man music place write turn woman old book Topic 3: official government state political leader states issue case member country Topic 4: school child city program problem student state study family groupThe document-topic distributions should be retrived as: ``doc_topic = model.transform(X)``... code-block:: python >>> doc_topic = model.transform(X) >>> for i in range(9): >>> print("top topic: {} Document: {}".format(doc_topic[i].argmax(), ', '.join(np.array(vocab)[list(reversed(X[i,:].argsort()))[0:5]]))) top topic: 4 Document: plant, increase, food, increasingly, animal top topic: 3 Document: explain, life, country, citizen, nation top topic: 2 Document: thing, solve, problem, machine, carry top topic: 2 Document: company, authority, opera, artistic, director top topic: 3 Document: partner, lawyer, attorney, client, indict top topic: 2 Document: roll, place, soon, treat, rating top topic: 3 Document: city, drug, program, commission, report top topic: 1 Document: company, comic, series, case, executive top topic: 3 Document: son, scene, charge, episode, attackSave the model for production or for running later:.. code-block:: python >>> from six.moves import cPickle as pickle >>> # Uncomment next step if you want to lighten the model object >>> # This step will delete some matrices inside the model. >>> # you will be able to use model.transform(X) the same way as earlier. >>> # you wont be able to use model.fit_transform(X_new) >>> # model.purge_extra_matrices() >>> with open('guidedlda_model.pickle', 'wb') as file_handle: >>> pickle.dump(model, file_handle) >>> # load the model for prediction >>> with open('guidedlda_model.pickle', 'rb') as file_handle: >>> model = pickle.load(file_handle) >>> doc_topic = model.transform(X)Requirements------------Python 2.7 or Python 3.3+ is required. The following packages are required- numpy_- pbr_Caveat------``guidedlda`` aims for Guiding LDA. More often then not the topics we get from a LDA model are not to our satisfaction. GuidedLDA can give the topics a nudge in the direction we want it to converge. We have production trained it for half a million documents (We have a big machine). We have run predictions on millions and manually checked topics for thousands (we are satisfied with the results).If you are working with a very large corpus you may wish to use more sophisticated topic models such as those implemented in hca_ and MALLET_. hca_ is written entirely in C and MALLET_ is written in Java. Unlike ``guidedlda``, hca_ can use more than one processor at a time. Both MALLET_ and hca_ implement topic models known to be more robust than standard latent Dirichlet allocation.Notes-----Latent Dirichlet allocation is described in `Blei et al. (2003)`_ and `Pritchardet al. (2000)`_. Inference using collapsed Gibbs sampling is described in`Griffiths and Steyvers (2004)`_. And Guided LDA is described in `Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Hal Daume III and Raghavendra Udupa (2012)`_Important links---------------- Documentation: Source code: Issue tracker: implementations---------------------- scikit-learn_'s `LatentDirichletAllocation <>`_ (uses online variational inference)- `gensim <>`_ (uses online variational inference)Credits-------I would like to thank the creators of `LDA project <>`_. I used the code from that LDA project as base to implement GuidedLDA on top of it.Thanks to : `Allen Riddell <>`_ and `Tim Hopper <>`_. :)License-------``guidedlda`` is licensed under Version 2.0 of the Mozilla Public License... _Python: _scikit-learn: _hca: _MALLET: _numpy: _pbr: _Cython: _Blei et al. (2003): _Pritchard et al. (2000): _Griffiths and Steyvers (2004): _Jagadeesh Jagarlamudi, Hal Daume III and Raghavendra Udupa (2012):


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