gurobi-modelanalyzer 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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gurobimodelanalyzer 1.0.1

Gurobi Model Analyzer
Gurobi Model Analyzer is an
open-source python package that provides
detailed analysis of model solutions and model characteristics.
Version 1.0 consists of a results_analyzer module that calculates
explanations of ill-conditioned basis matrices.
Note: At the moment this repository is public, but final docs configuration
and packages is not yet finished. We recommend that you hold off on using it
until version 1.0 is announced as available.
The latest user manual is available on
Contact us
For questions related to using Gurobi Model Analyzer, please use
Gurobi's Forum.
For reporting bugs, issues, and feature requests please open an issue.
If you encounter issues with Gurobi or gurobipy please contact
Gurobi Support.

Python >= 3.9
numpy >= 1.21.5 (although earlier
versions compatible with python 3.7 will probably work).

Pip installation
The easiest way to install gurobi-modelanalyzer is using pip in a
virtual environment:
(.venv) pip install gurobi-modelanalyzer

This will also install the numpy and gurobipy dependencies. One of the
advanced functions makes use of matplotlib; if you haven't already installed
that and plan to use this function (matrix_bitmap), you can either install
the matplotlib package directly, or install it with the gurobi-modelanalyzer
package via "pip install gurobi-modelanalyzer matplotlib".
Please note that gurobipy is commercial software and requires a
license. When installed via pip or conda, gurobipy ships with a free
license for testing and can only solve models of limited size.
Then use the explainer functions. Example usage
import gurobipy as gp
import gurobi_modelanalyzer as gma"myillconditionedmodel.mps")

# row-based explanation (default)
gma.kappa_explain(model, expltype="ROWS")

# column-based explanation
gma.kappa_explain(model, expltype="COLS")

# angle-based explanation (only looks for pairs of rows or columns
# that cause ill-conditioning.

Use help(gma.kappa_explain) or help(gma.angle_explain) for information
on more advanced usage.
Getting a Gurobi License
Alternatively to the bundled limited license, there are licenses that can handle models of all sizes.
As a student or staff member of an academic institution you qualify for a free, full product license.
For more information, see:

For a commercial evaluation, you can
request an evaluation license.
Other useful resources to get started:

We value any level of experience in using Gurobi Model Analyzer and would like to encourage you to
contribute directly to this project. Please see the Contributing Guide for more information.
Source code
You can clone the latest sources with the command:
git clone

Submitting a Pull Request
Before opening a Pull Request, have a look at the full
Contributing page to make sure your code complies with
our guidelines.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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