HADeploy 0.6.1

Creator: railscoder56

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HADeploy 0.6.1

# HADeploy
HADeploy is a tool specially designed to deploy application in BigData/NoSQL context with Hadoop cluster as first target.
In such context, deploying an application is not only matter of deploying some jar in some place. It also means creating a bunch of associated resources such as Hive table, Kafka topic, HBase table, HDFS folders and files, systems account, etc.
## Documentation
You will find documentation [at this location](http://www.hadeploy.com/)
## Base principles
### Application manifest
An application can be fully described in one file, hosting all components and resources description.
### Infrastructure independency
Application file is independent of target physical infrastructure. This target is defined in another file and HADeploy will take care of the merge on deployment
### Environment independency.
In the same way, the application file is independent of the environment (DEV, INT, PPRD, PROD,..). This ensure coherency and repeatable deployments among these contexts
### Declarative programming and reconciliation
HADeploy is a purely descriptive tool. As such usage will consist of defining the expected state of the deployed application and let the tool perform the reconciliation between expected and actual state.
### Idempotence
Such principle means HADeploy is a fully idempotent tools, as if expected state match the actual ones, the tool will not perform any further actions.
### Application instance isolation.
A typical deployment pattern allowed by HADeploy is to define ‘Application Container’, or ‘Application Lane’. Then several instance (or version) of an application can be installed and run in parallel.
### Kerberos support
HADeploy is able to deploy application on a Hadoop cluster secured by Kerberos.
### Rights management
HADeploy will manage all permissions associated to the deployed components and resources.
### Plugins architecture
HADeploy is designed with a highly modular plugins architecture, thus allowing easy third party extension.
### Application Removal
As HADeploy knows about all the components of your application, it provides a REMOVAL mode, which restores the target cluster in its initial state.
### Open Source
HADeploy is a fully open source project, under GNU General Public License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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