happypandax-client 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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happypandaxclient 1.0.0


A python client library for communicating with HappyPanda X servers

Install and update using pip
$ pip3 install happypandax-client

Get up and running fast:
import happypandax_client as hpxclient
from pprint import pprint

c = hpxclient.Client("my-client")
c.connect(host="localhost", port=7007)

c.handshake(user = None, password = None)
d = c.send([{"fname": "get_version"}])

Client (name, host="localhost", port=7007, session_id="", ssl_context=None, timeout=60) → A Client instance
A client for communicating with a HappyPanda X server.

name: name of client
host: HPX server host
port: HPX server host
session_id: if provided, this will be the session id used in messages
ssl_context: see ssl.create_default_context
timeout: see socket.settimeout

Client.host (property) → str
Set or return the HPX server host
Client.port (property) → int
Set or return the HPX server port
Client.accepted (property) → bool
Whether this client has been authenticated or not (this value will only be available after connecting)
Client.version (property) → dict
The version message returned from the HPX server (this value will only be available after connecting)
Client.guest_allowed (property) → bool
Whether guests are allowed on the connected HPX server (this value will only be available after connecting)
Client.ready () → bool
Whether this client is ready to exchange messages with the HPX server
Client.alive () → bool
Whether the connection is still alive
Client.connect (self, host=None, port=None) → bool
Connect to HPX server

host: HPX server host, if set to None the provided host on instantiation will be used
port: HPX server port, if set to None the provided port on instantiation will be used

Client.handshake (self, user=None, password=None, ignore_err=False, _data={}) → bool
Perfom a handshake with the HPX server

user: username
password: password
ignore_err: don't raise any errors

Client.request_handshake (self, user=False, password=False, ignore_err=False) → bool
Basically a re-login

user: username, if set to False the previously provided username will be used
password: password, if set to False the previously provided password will be used
ignore_err: don't raise any errors

Client.send_bytes (self, data, raise_on_auth=True) → bytes
Send bytedata to server. Receive bytedata from server.

data: bytes data to send to server
raise_on_auth: raise an error if client is not authenticated

Client.send_raw (self, data, raise_on_auth=True, encoding='utf-8') → dict
Send json-compatible dict to server. Receive json-compatible from server.
Note that this method will not add anything to your message and expects you to add the name and session yourself. See the finalize function.

data: data to send to server, this is a dict
raise_on_auth: raise an error if client is not authenticated
encoding: bytes encoding, there shouldn't be a reason to change this

Client.send (self, data, raise_on_auth=True, encoding='utf-8') → dict
Like Client.send_raw, but as a convenience, this method will wrap your message into the required message structure HPX expects and automatically sets the session and name:
final_msg = {
'session': client.session_id,
'name': client.name,
'data': data, # <--- your message is put here


data: data to send to server, this is usually a list of dicts
raise_on_auth: raise an error if client is not authenticated
encoding: bytes encoding, there shouldn't be a reason to change this

Client.close () → None
Close connection with server. Note that it won't be possible to connect again after the connection has been closed.
finalize (name, data, session_id="") → dict
A helper function that will wrap your message up like this:
msg = {
'session': session_id,
'name': name,
'data': data, # <--- your message is put here


name: name of client
data: data to send to server, this is usually a list of dicts
session_id: session id

These are all the exceptions that can be raised by the client:
Base client exception, all client exceptions will derive from this
ConnectionError(ClientError, ConnectionError)
Server connection error
ServerDisconnectError(ConnectionError, ConnectionAbortedError)
Server disconnected
Auth Base Error
Using a different json library
It must support being used as a drop-in replacement for the standard json module
import happypandax_client as hpxclient
import ujson
hpxclient.client.json = ujson


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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