haproxy-log-analysis 5.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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haproxyloganalysis 5.1.0

HAProxy log analyzer
This Python package is a HAProxy log parser.
It analyzes HAProxy log files in multiple ways (see commands section below).

Currently only the HTTP log format is supported.

Tests and coverage
No project is trustworthy if does not have tests and a decent coverage!

See the documentation and API at ReadTheDocs.

Command-line interface
The current --help looks like this:
usage: haproxy_log_analysis [-h] [-l LOG] [-s START] [-d DELTA] [-c COMMAND]
[-f FILTER] [-n] [--list-commands]
[--list-filters] [--json]

Analyze HAProxy log files and outputs statistics about it

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LOG, --log LOG HAProxy log file to analyze
-s START, --start START
Process log entries starting at this time, in HAProxy
date format (e.g. 11/Dec/2013 or
11/Dec/2013:19:31:41). At least provide the
day/month/year. Values not specified will use their
base value (e.g. 00 for hour). Use in conjunction with
-d to limit the number of entries to process.
-d DELTA, --delta DELTA
Limit the number of entries to process. Express the
time delta as a number and a time unit, e.g.: 1s, 10m,
3h or 4d (for 1 second, 10 minutes, 3 hours or 4
days). Use in conjunction with -s to only analyze
certain time delta. If no start time is given, the
time on the first line will be used instead.
-c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
List of commands, comma separated, to run on the log
file. See --list-commands to get a full list of them.
-f FILTER, --filter FILTER
List of filters to apply on the log file. Passed as
comma separated and parameters within square brackets,
e.g ip[],ssl,path[/some/path]. See --list-
filters to get a full list of them.
-n, --negate-filter Make filters passed with -f work the other way around,
i.e. if the ``ssl`` filter is passed instead of
showing only ssl requests it will show non-ssl
traffic. If the ``ip`` filter is used, then all but
that ip passed to the filter will be used.
--list-commands Lists all commands available.
--list-filters Lists all filters available.
--json Output results in json.
--invalid Print the lines that could not be parsed. Be aware
that mixing it with the print command will mix their

Commands are small purpose specific programs in themselves that report specific statistics about the log file being analyzed.
See them all with --list-commands or online at https://haproxy-log-analyzer.readthedocs.io/modules.html#module-haproxy.commands.


Filters, contrary to commands,
are a way to reduce the amount of log lines to be processed.

The -n command line argument allows to reverse filters output.
This helps when looking for specific traces, like a certain IP, a path…

See them all with --list-filters or online at https://haproxy-log-analyzer.readthedocs.io/modules.html#module-haproxy.filters.


After installation you will have a console script haproxy_log_analysis:
$ pip install haproxy_log_analysis


add more commands: (help appreciated)

reports on servers connection time
reports on termination state
reports around connections (active, frontend, backend, server)
your ideas here

think of a way to show the commands output in a meaningful way
be able to specify an output format. For any command that makes sense (slow
requests for example) output the given fields for each log line (i.e.
acceptance date, path, downstream server, load at that time…)
your ideas


5.1.0 (2022-12-03)

Only get the first IP from X-Forwarded-For header.
Improve tests robustness.
Fix top_ips and top_request_paths commands output.
They were showing all output, rather than only the top 10.
Move tests folder to the top-level.

5.0.0 (2022-11-27)

Drop testing on travis-ci.
Use GitHub Actions.
Format the code with pyupgrade, black and isort.
Use pip-tools to keep dependencies locked.
Bump python versions supported to 3.7-3.11 and pypy.
Drop python 3.6 (EOL).

4.1.0 (2020-01-06)

New command: requests_per_hour.
Just like the requests_per_minute but with hour granularity.
Idea and first implementation done by valleedelisle.
Fix parsing truncated requests.
Idea and first implementation by vixns.

4.0.0 (2020-01-06)

Complete rewrite to use almost no memory usage even on huge files.
Add parallelization to make parsing faster by parsing multiple lines in parallel.
Rename command counter_slow_requests to slow_requests_counter,
so it is aligned with all other _counter commands.
Changed the counter_invalid command to a new command line switch --invalid.

Regular changes:

Drop Python 2 support, and test on Python 3.8.
Remove the pickling support.
Add –json output command line option.

3.0.0 (2019-06-10)

Fix spelling.
Make ip_counter use client_ip per default.
Overhaul testing environment. Test on python 3.7 as well. Use black to format.

2.1 (2017-07-06)

Enforce QA checks (flake8) on code.
All code has been updated to follow it.
Support Python 3.6.
Support different syslog timestamps (at least NixOS).

2.0.2 (2016-11-17)

Improve performance for cmd_print.

2.0.1 (2016-10-29)

Allow hostnames to have a dot in it.

2.0 (2016-07-06)

Handle unparsable HTTP requests.
Only test on python 2.7 and 3.5

2.0b0 (2016-04-18)

Check the divisor before doing a division to not get ZeroDivisionError exceptions.

2.0a0 (2016-03-29)

Major refactoring:
# Rename modules and classes:

haproxy_logline -> line
haproxy_logfile -> logfile
HaproxyLogLine -> Line
HaproxyLogFile -> Log

# Parse the log file on Log() creation (i.e. in its __init__)

1.3 (2016-03-29)

New filter: filter_wait_on_queues.
Get all requests that waited at maximum X amount of milliseconds on HAProxy queues.
Code/docs cleanups and add code analysis.
Avoid using eval.

1.2.1 (2016-02-23)

Support -1 as a status_code
[Christopher Baines]

1.2 (2015-12-07)

Allow a hostname on the syslog part (not only IPs)
[danny crasto]

1.1 (2015-04-19)

Make syslog optional.
Fixes issue https://github.com/gforcada/haproxy_log_analysis/issues/10.

1.0 (2015-03-24)

Fix issue #9.
log line on the syslog part was too strict,
it was expecting the hostname to be a string and was
failing if it was an IP.

0.0.3.post2 (2015-01-05)

Finally really fixed issue #7.
namespace_packages was not meant to be on setup.py at all.
Silly copy&paste mistake.

0.0.3.post (2015-01-04)

Fix release on PyPI.
Solves GitHub issue #7.

0.0.3 (2014-07-09)

Fix release on PyPI (again).

0.0.2 (2014-07-09)

Fix release on PyPI.

0.0.1 (2014-07-09)

Pickle :class::.HaproxyLogFile data for faster performance.
Add a way to negate the filters, so that instead of being able to filter by
IP, it can output all but that IP information.
Add lots of filters: ip, path, ssl, backend, frontend, server, status_code
and so on. See --list-filters for a complete list of them.
Add :method::.HaproxyLogFile.parse_data method to get data from data stream.
It allows you use it as a library.
Add --list-filters argument on the command line interface.
Add --filter argument on the command line interface, inspired by
Bogdan’s early design.
[bogdangi] [gforcada]
Create a new module :module::haproxy.filters that holds all available filters.
Improve :method::.HaproxyLogFile.cmd_queue_peaks output to not only show
peaks but also when requests started to queue and when they finished and
the amount of requests that had been queued.
Show help when no argument is given.
Polish documentation and docstrings here and there.
Add a --list-commands argument on the command line interface.
Generate an API doc for HaproxyLogLine and HaproxyLogFile.
Create a console_script haproxy_log_analysis for ease of use.
Add Sphinx documentation system, still empty.
Keep valid log lines sorted so that the exact order of connections is kept.
Add quite a few commands, see README.rst for a complete list of them.
Run commands passed as arguments (with -c flag).
Add a requirements.txt file to keep track of dependencies and pin them.
Add travis and coveralls support. See its badges on README.rst.
Add argument parsing and custom validation logic for all arguments.
Add regular expressions for haproxy log lines (HTTP format) and to
parse HTTP requests path.
Added tests to ensure they work as expected.
Create distribution.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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