hardyweinbergcalculator 0.3.6

Creator: bradpython12

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hardyweinbergcalculator 0.3.6

Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Calculator. Calculates the expected
genotype frequencies based on the allele frequencies of a
population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
pip install hardyweinbergcalculator

usage: hwc [-h] [--version] [--verbose] [--debug] [--samples SAMPLES] [--p P] [--q Q] [--tpop TPOP] [--ppop PPOP] [--qpop QPOP] [--pq2pop PQ2POP] [--genes GENES [GENES ...]] [--json JSON [JSON ...]]

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Calculator. Calculates the expected genotype frequencies based on the allele frequencies of a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardy%E2%80%93Weinberg_principle

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
--verbose Enable verbose logging. (default: False)
--debug Enable debug logging. (default: False)
--samples SAMPLES Number of samples to generate, if using random data generator. (default: None)
--p P Frequency of dominant allele. (default: None)
--q Q Frequency of recessive allele. (default: None)
--tpop TPOP Total population. (default: None)
--ppop PPOP Original population of dominant allele. (default: None)
--qpop QPOP Original population of recessive allele. (default: None)
--pq2pop PQ2POP Original population of heterozygous allele. (default: None)

Example: python3 -m hwc --ppop 10 --qpop 10 --pq2pop 200 --verbose

Generate random data
python3 -m hwc --samples 1000 --verbose

Calculate from known data
python3 -m hwc --ppop 10 --qpop 10 --pq2pop 200 --verbose

In your code
Test for Hard-Weinberg Equilibrium from generated data
from hwc import generate_population, HardyWeinberg

# Generate random data
population = generate_population(n=1000)
res = HardyWeinberg(genes=population)

Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium from known data
from hwc import HardyWeinberg

# Known data
res = HardyWeinberg(

Results Data Object
The results returned from the Hardyweinberg test will ultimately look like this, in json format:
"2*pq": 0.4986501057404244,
"chi_square_test": 20.439848879167698,
"expected_heterozygous_population": 1132.434390136504,
"expected_homozygous_dominant_population": 510.28280493174816,
"expected_homozygous_recessive_population": 628.2828049317482,
"genes": [],
"heterozygous_population": 1025.0,
"homozygous_dominant_population": 564.0,
"homozygous_recessive_population": 682.0,
"p": 0.47402025539409953,
"p + q": 1.0,
"p**2": 0.22469520252388733,
"p**2 + 2*pq + q**2": 1.0,
"q": 0.5259797446059005,
"q**2": 0.2766546917356883,
"total_population": 2271.0


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