Hashin 1.0.1 | GitLocker.com Product

hashin 1.0.1

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hashin 1.0.1

Helps you write your requirements.txt with hashes so you can
install with pip install --require-hashes -r ...
If you want to add a package or edit the version of one you’re currently
using you have to do the following steps:

Go to pypi for that package
Download the .tgz file
Possibly download the .whl file
Run pip hash downloadedpackage-1.2.3.tgz
Run pip hash downloadedpackage-1.2.3.whl
Edit requirements.txt

This script does all those things.
Hackishly wonderfully so.

A Word of Warning!
The whole point of hashing is that you vet the packages that you use
on your laptop and that they haven’t been tampered with. Then you
can confidently install them on a server.
This tool downloads from PyPI (over HTTPS) and runs pip hash
on the downloaded files.
You should check that the packages that are downloaded
are sane and not tampered with. The way you do that is to run
hashin as normal but with the --verbose flag. When you do that
it will print where it downloaded the relevant files and those
files are not deleted. For example:
$ hashin --verbose bgg /tmp/reqs.txt
* Latest version for 0.22.1
* Found URL https://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/b/bgg/bgg-0.22.1-py2-none-any.whl
* Re-using /var/folders/1x/2hf5hbs902q54g3bgby5bzt40000gn/T/bgg-0.22.1-py2-none-any.whl
* Hash e5172c3fda0e8a42d1797fd1ff75245c3953d7c8574089a41a219204dbaad83d
* Found URL https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/b/bgg/bgg-0.22.1.tar.gz
* Re-using /var/folders/1x/2hf5hbs902q54g3bgby5bzt40000gn/T/bgg-0.22.1.tar.gz
* Hash aaa53aea1cecb8a6e1288d6bfe52a51408a264a97d5c865c38b34ae16c9bff88
* Editing /tmp/reqs.txt
You might not have time to go through the lines one by one
but you should be aware that the vetting process is your

This is something you only do or ever need in a development
environment. Ie. your laptop:
pip install hashin

How to use it
Suppose you want to install futures. You can either do this:
hashin futures
Which will download the latest version tarball (and wheel) and
calculate their pip hash and edit your requirements.txt file.
Or you can be specific about exactly which version you want:
hashin "futures==2.1.3"
You can also specify more than one package at a time:
hashin "futures==2.1.3" requests
Suppose you don’t have a requirements.txt right there in the same
directory you can specify --requirements-file:
hashin futures --requirements-file=stuff/requirements/prod.txt
By default sha256 hashes are used, but this can be overridden using the
--algorithm argument:
hashin futures --algorithm=sha512
If there’s no output, it worked. Check how it edited your
requirements file.

Filtering releases by Python version
Some requirements have many releases built for different versions of Python and
different architectures. These hashes aren’t useful in some cases, if those
wheels don’t work with your project. hashin can filter on the Python
version to skip these extraneous hashes.
For example, the cffi package offers wheels built for many versions of
CPython from 2.6 to 3.5. To select only one of them, you can use the
--python-version option:
hashin "cffi==1.5.2" --python-version 3.5
If you need to support multiple versions, you can pass this option multiple
hashin "cffi==1.5.2" --python-version 2.7 --python-version 3.5
hashin will expand these Python versions to a full list of identifers that
could be found on PyPI. For example, 3.5 will expand to match any of
3.5, py3, py3.5, py2.py3, or cp3.5. You can also specify
these exact identifiers directly, if you need something specific.
The source release is always automatically included. pip will use
this as a fallback in the case a suitable wheel cannot be found.

Dry run mode
There are some use cases, when you maybe don’t want to edit your requirements.txt
right away. You can use the --dry-run argument to show the diff, so you
can preview the changes to your requirements.txt file.
hashin --dry-run requests==2.19.1
Would result in a printout on the command line:
--- Old
+++ New
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+requests==2.19.1 \
+ --hash=sha256:63b52e3c866428a224f97cab011de738c36aec0185aa91cfacd418b5d58911d1 \
+ --hash=sha256:ec22d826a36ed72a7358ff3fe56cbd4ba69dd7a6718ffd450ff0e9df7a47ce6a

PEP-0496 Environment Markers
Requirements can use PEP-0496 style specifiers (e.g. like
cffi==1.5.2; python_version >= '3.4') and these will be passed
through when re-writing the requirements.txt file. hashin doesn’t
parse the specifiers themselves and will take anything after the
semicolon. If you are using python_version you will still need to
pass appropriate options if you don’t want every available hash.
An example of this might be:
hashin "pywin32-ctypes ; sys_platform == 'win32'"
which will result it something like this in the requirements.txt file:
pywin32-ctypes==0.1.2; sys_platform == 'win32' \
And if you want to limit it to certain Python versions, here’s an example:
hashin "cffi==1.5.2; python_version >= '3.4'" -p 3.4 -p 3.5

Using as a Python library
Everything you can do with hashin on the command line you can do
in running Python too. For example:
import hashin
from pprint import pprint
This will print out:
{'hashes': [{'hash': 'fbc7ffaa45a4a67cb45f77dbd94e8eceecebe1d0959fe9c665dfbf28b41899e6',
'url': 'https://pypi.python.org/packages/41/c1/68dd27946b03a3d756b0ff665baad25aee1f59918891d86ab76764209208/Django-1.11b1-py2.py3-none-any.whl'}],
'package': 'Django',
'version': '1.11b1'}
Or with specific version, algorithm and certain Python versions:
import hashin
from pprint import pprint

Local development
After you have cloned the project, created a virtual environment and run:

pip install -e “.[dev]”

Now, to run it you can use the installed executable hashin and do things
touch /tmp/reqs.txt
hashin -r /tmp/reqs.txt Django

Running tests
Simply run:
python setup.py test
When you use pip install ".[dev]" it will install tox which you can use
to run the full test suites (plus linting) in different Python environments:

Running tests with test coverage
To run the tests with test coverage, with pytest run something like
$ pip install pytest-cover
$ pytest --cov=hashin --cov-report=html
$ open htmlcov/index.html

To avoid having to install hashin just to test it or debug a feature
you can simply just run it like this:
touch /tmp/whatever.txt
python hashin.py --verbose Django /tmp/whatever.txt

Code Style
All Python code should be run through Black.
This is checked in CI and you can test it locally with tox.
Also, this project uses therapist
which helps with checking code style as a git pre-commit hook. therapist
is used in tox. To run all code style checks, use tox -e lint but
make sure your version of tox is built on a Python 3.

This program is a “fork” of https://pypi.python.org/pypi/peepin
peepin was a companion to the program peep
https://pypi.python.org/pypi/peep/ but the functionality of peep
has been put directly into pip as of version 8.

If this script proves itself to work and be useful, I hope we can
put it directly into pip.

Version History


Update change log about the 1.0.0 release.


Update setup.py, tox.ini and GitHub Actions to use Python >=3.8
and up to 3.12.


Add python 3.9 and 3.10 to the test matrix.
Preserve lexigraphical order of hashes for the output of the
get_releases_hashes function.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/126


Preserve indented comments when updating requirements files.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/124
Switch to GitHub Actions instead of TravisCI. And test tox in
Python 3.7 and 3.8 additionally as well as upgrading lint requirements.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/pull/118


Use of underscore or hyphens in package names is corrected
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/116 Thanks @caphrim007


Indentation in the requirements file is preserved.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/112 Thanks @techtonik
If you use --update-all and forget the -r when specifying your
requirements file, instead of complaining, it corrects the intentions.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/104


When writing down hashes, they are now done in a lexigraphically ordered
way. This makes the writes to the requirements file more predictable.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/105


Bugfix for new --index-url option feature in version 0.14.3.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/108


New parameter --index-url which allows to override the default which
is https://pypi.org. Thanks @nmacinnis
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/pull/107


When using --update-all and parsing requirements file it could be fooled
by comments that look like package specs (e.g # check out foo==1.0)
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/103


All HTTP GET work to fetch information about packages from PyPI is done in
concurrent threads. Requires backport for Python 2.7.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/101


--interactive (when you use --update-all) will iterate over all outdated
versions in your requirements file and ask, for each one, if you want to
updated it.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/90
Order of hashes should not affect if a package in the requirements file
should be replaced or not.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/93
(Internal) All tests have been rewritten as plain pytest functions.
In Python 3, if the package can’t be found you get a more explicit exception
pointing out which package (URL) that failed.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/87
New flag --update-all (alias -u) will parse the requirements file,
ignore the version, and update all packages that have new versions.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/pull/88
Support for “extras syntax”. E.g. hashin "requests[security]". Doesn’t
actually get hashes for security (in this case, that’s not even a
package) but allows that syntax into your requirements.txt file.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/70
All code is now formatted with Black.


Ability to pass --dry-run which prints a diff of what it would
do to your requirements file. See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/pull/78
Better error message when no versions, but some pre-releases found.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/76
Don’t show URLs when using --verbose if files don’t need to be
downloaded. See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/73


Makes it possible to install nltk on Windows.
Thanks @chrispbailey!


Match Python versions as py{major}{minor} additionally. Solves
problem with installing packages with files like
Thanks @danfoster!


Ability to pass --include-prereleases if you’re trying to add
a package that only has pre-releases.


Two new dependencies for hashin: pip-api and packaging.
This means we no longer need to import pip and rely on private
Thanks @di!
This also means you can no longer install hashin on Python 2.6 and
Python <=3.3.


Switch from pypi.python.org/pypi/<package>/json to
pypi.org/pypi/<package>/json which also means the sha256 hash is part
of the JSON payload immediately instead of having to download and run
pip to get the hash.
Testing no runs Python 2.6 and Python 3.3.
All hashes, per package, are sorted (by the hash) to make it more


You can now pass PEP-0496 Environment Markers together with the package
name, and they get passed into the requirements.txt file.
Thanks @meejah


PackageErrors happening in CLI suppressed just the error message out on
stderr. No full traceback any more.


Better error if you typo the package name since it’ll 404 on PyPI.


Run continuous integration tests with Python 3.6 too.


Ability to run hashin --version to see what version of hashin is
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/41


Cope with leading zeros in version numbers when figuring out what
the latest version is.
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/issues/39


Latest version is now figured out by looking at all version numbers
in the list of releases from the JSON payload. The pre releases are


Fixed a bug where it would fail to install a package whose name is
partially part of an existing (installed) package.
E.g. installing redis==x.y.z when django-redis==a.b.c was
already in the requirements file.


Ability to make hashin work as a library. Thanks @jayfk !
pep8 cleanups.


Fixes bug related to installing platform specific archives
See https://github.com/peterbe/hashin/pull/33 Thanks @mythmon


Package matching is now case insensitive. E.g. hashin dJaNgO


The requirements file and algorithm arguments are now keyword
arguments. Now, the second, third, nth positional argument are
additional arguments. Thanks @https://github.com/ahal


Support windows binaries packaged as a .msi file.


Fix compatibility issue with pip 8.1.2 and 8.1.1-2ubuntu0.1 and drop
support for Python 2.6


Important bug fix. As an example, if you had pytest-selenium==...
already in your requirements.txt file and add selenium==x.y.z
it would touch the line with pytest-selenium too.


Support for PyPI links that have a hash in the file URL.


Fix PackageError if no Python version is defined.


Add filtering of package releases by Python version.


Issue a warning for users of Python before version 2.7.9.


Last character a single newline. Not two.


First, hopefully, working version.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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