hatch-compile-yaml 18.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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hatchcompileyaml 18.0.0

A hatch build hook that takes yaml files and converts them to msgpack.
This way, your code can ship with msgpack data files for lightning-fast conversion,
but your repo can contain easy-to-maintain yaml.

Getting Started


Python 3.10+
git (if installing from source, or contributing to the project)


If wanting to contribute to the project, and setup your local development
environment, see the CONTRIBUTING.rst document in the source repository
for this project.

To set up hatch-yaml-compile for your project you just need to put it in
your project’s pyproject.toml file as a build-system requirement:
requires = ["hatchling", "hatch-yaml-compile"]
build-backend = "hatchling.build"

Now you’ll need to configure the build scripts you want to run.
This is done by adding an array of scripts to the tool.hatch.build.hooks.build-scripts.scripts
key in your pyproject.toml file. In practice this looks like:
pattern = "*.yaml"
target_format = "msgpack"
remove_source_files = true

Reference the open issues for a list of
proposed features (and known issues).


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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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