hatch-cython 0.5.1

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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hatchcython 0.5.1





Table of Contents

Configuration Options

Templating (Tempita)


The build hook name is cython.


# [tool.hatch.build.hooks.cython]
# or
# (hatch.toml)
# [build.targets.wheel.hooks.cython]
# or
dependencies = ["hatch-cython"]

# [tool.hatch.build.hooks.cython.options]
# or
# (hatch.toml)
# [build.targets.wheel.hooks.cython.options]
# or
# include .h or .cpp directories
includes = []
# include numpy headers
include_numpy = false
include_pyarrow = false

# include_{custom}
include_somelib = {
# must be included in build-dependencies
pkg = "somelib",
# somelib.gets_include() -> str
include = "gets_include",
# somelib.gets_libraries() -> list[str]
libraries = "gets_libraries",
# somelib.gets_library_dirs() -> list[str]
library_dirs = "gets_library_dirs",
# somelib.some_setup_op() before build
required_call = "some_setup_op"

compile_args = [
# single string
# by platform
{ platforms = ["linux", "darwin"], arg = "-Wcpp" },
# by platform & arch
{ platforms = "darwin", arch = "x86_64", arg = "-arch x86_64" },
{ platforms = ["darwin"], arch = "arm64", arg = "-arch arm64" },
# with pep508 markers
{ platforms = ["darwin"], arch = "x86_64", arg = "-I/usr/local/opt/llvm/include", depends_path = true, marker = "python_version <= '3.10'" },

directives = { boundscheck = false, nonecheck = false, language_level = 3, binding = true }

compile_kwargs = { }


# [build.hooks.cython]
# or
dependencies = ["hatch-cython"]

# [build.hooks.cython.options]
# or
directives = { boundscheck = false, nonecheck = false, language_level = 3, binding = true }
compile_args = [
includes = []
include_numpy = false
# equivalent to include_pyarrow = true
include_somelib = { pkg = "pyarrow", include="get_include", libraries="get_libraries", library_dirs="get_library_dirs", required_call="create_library_symlinks" }
define_macros = [
# ["ABC"] -> ["ABC", "FOO"] | ["ABC", "DEF"]

Configuration Options


str | None  directory within src dir or .  which aliases the package being built. e.g. package_a -> src/package_a_lib  src = "package_a"

directives to cython (see compiler-directives)

str or { platforms = ["*"] | "*", arg = str }. see extensions for what args may be relevant

str or { platforms = ["*"] | "*", arg = str }. see extensions for what args may be relevant

{ env = "VAR1", arg = "VALUE", platforms = ["*"], arch = ["*"] } if flag is one of: - ARFLAGS - LDSHARED  - LDFLAGS - CPPFLAGS  - CFLAGS  - CCSHAREDthe current env vars will be merged with the value (provided platform & arch applies), separated by a space. This can be enabled by adding { env = "MYVAR" ... , merges = true } to the definition.

list str

{ pkg = str, include = str, libraries = str| None, library_dirs = str | None , required_call = str | None } where all fields, but pkg, are attributes of pkg in the type of callable() -> list[str] | str | list[str] | str. pkg is a module, or loadable module object, which may be imported through import x.y.z.

include_numpy | include_pyarrow | include_pythran
bool3rd party named imports. must have the respective opt in dependencies

bool = False if parallel, add openmp headersimportant: if using macos, you need the homebrew llvm vs apple's llvm in order to pass -fopenmp to clang compiler

compiler used at build-time. if msvc (Microsoft Visual Studio), /openmp is used as argument to compile instead of -fopenmp  when parallel = true. default = false

whether to include .py files when building cython exts. note, this can be enabled & you can do per file / matched file ignores as below. default = true

list of list str (of len 1 or 2). len 1 == [KEY] == #define KEY FOO . len 2 == [KEY, VALUE] == #define KEY VALUE. see extensions

** kwargs
keyword = value pair arguments to pass to the extension module when building. see extensions

exclude = [
# anything matching no_compile is ignored by cython
# note - anything "*" is escaped to "([^\s]*)" (non whitespace).
# if you need an actual * for python regex, use as below:
# this excludes all pyd or pytempl extensions
# only windows
{ matches = "*/windows", platforms = ["linux", "darwin", "freebsd"] },
# only darwin
{ matches = "*/darwin", platforms = ["linux", "freebsd", "windows"] },
# only linux
{ matches = "*/linux", platforms = ["darwin", "freebsd", "windows"] },
# only freebsd
{ matches = "*/freebsd", platforms = ["linux", "darwin", "windows"] }
aliases = {"abclib._filewithoutsuffix" = "abclib.importalias"}

Sdist archives may be generated normally. hatch must be defined as the build-system build-backend in your pyproject.toml. As such, hatch will automatically install hatch-cython, and perform the specified e.g. platform-specific adjustments to the compile-time arguments. This allows the full build-process to be respected, and generated following specifications of the developer.Note: If you specify hatch-cython to run outside of simply wheel-step processes, the extension module is skipped. As such, the .c & .cpp, as well as templated files, may be generated and stored in the sdist should you wish. However, there is currently little purpose to this, as the extension will likely have differed compile arguments.
Cython tempita is supported for any files suffixed with .in, where the extension output is:

For these files, you may expect the output .pyx.in -> .pyx. Thus, with aliasing this would look like:

aliases = {"abclib._somemod" = "abclib.somemod"}

Source files somemod.pyi.in, _somemod.pyx.in

Processed templates somemod.pyi, _somemod.pyx

Compiled module abclib.somemod{.pyi,.pyx}

An example of this is included in:

pyi stub file
pyx cython source file
pyi stub (rendered)
pyx cython source (rendered)

Template Arguments
You may also supply arguments for per-file matched namespaces. This follows the above platforms, arch, & marker formats, where if supplied & passing the condition the argument is passed to the template as a named series of keyword arguments.
You supply an index value, and all other kwargs to templates are keywords for each index value. Follows FIFO priority for all keys except global, which is evaluated first and overriden if there are other matching index directives. The engine will attempt to merge the items of the keywords, roughly following:
args = {
"index": [
{"keyword": "global", ...},
{"keyword": "thisenv", ...},
"global": {"abc": 1, "other": 2},
"thisenv": {"other": 3},

merge(args) -> {"abc": 1, "other": 3}

In hatch.toml:
index = [
{keyword = "global", matches = "*" },
{keyword = "templated_mac", matches = "templated.*.in", platforms = ["darwin"] },
{keyword = "templated_mac_py38", matches = "templated.*.in", platforms = ["darwin"], marker = "python == '3.8'" },
{keyword = "templated_win", matches = "templated.*.in", platforms = ["windows"] },
{keyword = "templated_win_x86_64", matches = "templated.*.in", platforms = ["windows"], arch = ["x86_64"] },


# these are passed as arguments for templating

# 'global' is a special directive reserved & overriden by all other matched values
global = { supported = ["int"] }

templated_mac = { supported = ["int", "float"] }
templated_mac_py38 = { supported = ["int", "float"] }

templated_win = { supported = ["int", "float", "complex"] }

# assuming numpy is cimported in the template
templated_win_x86_64 = { supported = ["int", "float", "np.double"]}


a c / c++ compiler
python 3.8-<=3.12
git-cliff (pip install git-cliff)


test: library & coverage

hatch run cov

test: src structure example

task example

test: simple structure example

task simple-structure

commit: precommitt

task precommit

hatch-cython is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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