haystack_extensions 0.0.4

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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haystack extensions 0.0.4

Haystack 2.x Custom Extensions
Welcome to the repository for custom extensions of Haystack, version 2.0 and onwards. This collection primarily aims at enhancing concurrent components to optimize I/O-bound tasks. Furthermore, it addresses the concept of subpipelines, offering comprehensive solutions within this space.
Quick Start Guide
To get started with developing or creating new integrations, you will need to use hatch. Please visit this link and follow the installation instructions tailored to your operating system and platform.
The integrations within this repository are designed to be self-contained. Thus, the initial step in working on an integration involves navigating (cd) into the corresponding folder. For instance, if you wish to execute the test suite for the Chroma document store, simply run the following command from the root of the repository:
$ hatch run test

Hatch will take care of setting up an isolated Python environment and run the tests.
$ pip install haystack-extensions

Concurrent Components
Below a code snipped demonstrating how to run components multithreaded in another component:
import time
from haystack import component

from haystack_extensions.components.concurrent_runner.runner import (

class SimplePrintStringWithWaitComponent:
A component that prints a string and waits for a given number of seconds

def __init__(self, wait_time: int = 4):
self.wait_time = wait_time

def run(self, text: str) -> str:
print(text, " <<== waited for", self.wait_time, "seconds")
return {"text": text}

if __name__ == "__main__":
comp1 = SimplePrintStringWithWaitComponent(wait_time=10)
comp2 = SimplePrintStringWithWaitComponent(wait_time=3)
comp3 = SimplePrintStringWithWaitComponent(wait_time=5)

named_components = [NamedComponent("one", comp1), NamedComponent("two", comp2), NamedComponent("three", comp3)]
concurrent_component_runner = ConcurrentComponentRunner(named_components)

p = Pipeline()
p.add_component("concurrent_component_runner", concurrent_component_runner)

result = p.run(data={ "concurrent_component_runner": {
"one_text": "Hello",
"two_text": "World",
"three_text": "!"


This will lead to the following output and result:
Console output:
World <<== waited for 3 seconds
! <<== waited for 5 seconds
Hello <<== waited for 10 seconds

result = {'multithreaded_component': {'one_text': 'Hello', 'two_text': 'World', 'three_text': '!'}}

import time
from haystack import component, Pipeline

from haystack_extensions.components.concurrent_runner.runner import (

class SimplePrintStringWithWaitComponent:
A component that prints a string and waits for a given number of seconds

def __init__(self, wait_time: int = 4):
self.wait_time = wait_time

def run(self, text: str) -> str:
print(text, " <<== waited for", self.wait_time, "seconds")
return {"text": text}

if __name__ == "__main__":
comp1 = SimplePrintStringWithWaitComponent(wait_time=10)
comp2 = SimplePrintStringWithWaitComponent(wait_time=3)

pipeline1 = Pipeline()
pipeline1.add_component("simple_component", comp1)

pipeline2 = Pipeline()
pipeline2.add_component("simple_component", comp2)

concurrent_pipeline_runner = ConcurrentPipelineRunner([NamedPipeline("pipeline1", pipeline1), NamedPipeline("pipeline2", pipeline2)])

overall_pipeline = Pipeline()

overall_pipeline.add_component("concurrent_pipeline_runner", concurrent_pipeline_runner)

results = overall_pipeline.run(
"concurrent_pipeline_runner": {
"pipeline1": {"simple_component": {"text": "Hello"}},
"pipeline2": {"simple_component": {"text": "World"}},


This will lead to the following output and result:
Console output:
World <<== waited for 3 seconds
Hello <<== waited for 10 seconds

result = {'concurrent_pipeline_runner': {'pipeline1': {'simple_component': {'text': 'Hello'}}, 'pipeline2': {'simple_component': {'text': 'World'}}}}


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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