hb 1.4.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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hb 1.4.2

Hash Brown

A simple command-line utility for calculating checksums.
pip install hb

Calculate the sha1 of a file:
$ hb -a sha1 hello.txt
sha1 (hello.txt) = 493a253abf93d705d67edeb463134a5c8752fc9d

Check to see if file matches a given checksum:
$ hb -a md5 hello.txt -g 77060c267470021a97392b815138733e
md5 (hello.txt) = 77060c267470021a97392b815138733e OK

$ hb -a md5 hello.txt -g 0123456789abcdef
md5 (hello.txt) = 0123456789abcdef BAD

Checksums can be read from a file:
$ hb -c checksums.txt
sha512 (hello.txt) = 493a253abf93d705d67edeb463134a5c8752fc9d OK
sha512 (world.txt) = 683e4ee04e75e71a6dca42807001f00be1fcb2a3 OK
sha512 (image.jpg) = f3a53e6c2743645f08faedadd7a2c57cbc38632f OK
sha512 (video.mp4) = 03ba9191fc4cd74f218df58542643fbc07dca532 OK

Hash Brown outputs its results in BSD style. The checksum files are also BSD style.
All files are read in binary mode.
Globbing and recursive globbing are supported via * and ** respectively.
Dotfiles are not included when globbing and need to be specified explicitly.
-a, --algorithm [blake2b|blake2s|md5|sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512|adler32|crc32]
-c, --check Read checksums from a file.
-g, --given TEXT See if the given checksum `TEXT` matches the
computed checksum. (use with -a)
-p, --parallel Process files in parallel.
-q, --quiet Hide results that are OK. (use with -c)
-t, --timer Display elapsed time in seconds.
--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.


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