hb-bank-statement-machine-learning 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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hbbankstatementmachinelearning 1.0.0

This module add a machine learning on the account.bank.statement to predict
the party and the account to use for a new line.

Dependencies for ArchLinux
sudo pacman -S cairo pkgconf gobject-introspection
Dependencies for debian
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev libgirepository1.0-dev
Install the package
# installs python deps
pip install hb_bank_statement_machine_learning
# install the module
trytond-admin -u hb_bank_statement_machine_learning --activate-dependencies
Install the db by hb-tryton-devtools
pip install git+https://gitlab.com/hashbangfr/tryton-modules/hb_tryton_devtools.git#egg=hb_tryton_devtools
export TRYTON_DATABASE_URI=postgresql:///
hb-tryton-admin create-db --modules hb_bank_statement_machine_learning

Test package
The package need pytest and hb-tryton-devtools
pip install pytest pytest-cov
pip install git+ssh://git@gitlab.com/hashbangfr/tryton-modules/hb_tryton_devtools.git#egg=hb_tryton_devtools
Run the test with pytest with environ variable
export TRYTON_DATABASE_URI=postgresql:///
pytest hb_bank_statement_machine_learning/tests

Low level
The machine learning is added on the acount.statement.line, the machine learning is based on the field number on the line,
this field must be filled
pool = Pool()
Line = pool.get('account.statement.line')
line = Line()
line.number = 'My number'
assert line.party
assert line.account

An on_change method on the field number exist to predict the fields party and account from the interface


1.0.0 (2022-05-18)

Used cache from trytond

0.1.0 (2021-09-28)

Implemented the machine learning
Implemented the on change method on the fields number


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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