heaserver-trash-aws-s3 1.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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heaservertrashawss3 1.1.3

HEA Trash Microservice
Research Informatics Shared Resource, Huntsman Cancer Institute,
Salt Lake City, UT
The HEA Trash Microservice is deleted file management.
Version 1.1.3

Avoid timeouts loading trashed objects, which sporadically caused objects not to be returned.

Version 1.1.2

Minor bug fixes.

Version 1.1.1

Fixed potential issue preventing the service from updating temporary credentials.

Version 1.1.0

Added "deleted" date to trash items from their delete marker
Return permissions in Collection+JSON objects.
Added type_display_name attribute to returned objects.

Version 1.0.2

Performance improvements.

Version 1.0.1

Performance improvements.

Version 1
Initial release.
Runtime requirements

Python 3.10 or 3.11

Development environment
Build requirements

Any development environment is fine.
On Windows, you also will need:

Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019, found at https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/. Select the C++ tools.
git, found at https://git-scm.com/download/win.

On Mac, Xcode or the command line developer tools is required, found in the Apple Store app.
Python 3.10 or 3.11: Download and install Python 3.8 from https://www.python.org, and select the options to install
for all users and add Python to your environment variables. The install for all users option will help keep you from
accidentally installing packages into your Python installation's site-packages directory instead of to your virtualenv
environment, described below.
Create a virtualenv environment using the python -m venv <venv_directory> command, substituting <venv_directory>
with the directory name of your virtual environment. Run source <venv_directory>/bin/activate (or <venv_directory>/Scripts/activate on Windows) to activate the virtual
environment. You will need to activate the virtualenv every time before starting work, or your IDE may be able to do
this for you automatically. Note that PyCharm will do this for you, but you have to create a new Terminal panel
after you newly configure a project with your virtualenv.
From the project's root directory, and using the activated virtualenv, run pip install wheel followed by
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt. Do NOT run python setup.py develop. It will break your environment.

Running tests
Run tests with the pytest command from the project root directory.
Trying out the APIs
This microservice has Swagger3/OpenAPI support so that you can quickly test the APIs in a web browser. Do the following:

Install Docker, if it is not installed already.
Run the run-swaggerui.py file in your terminal. This file contains some test objects that are loaded into a MongoDB
Docker container.
Go to in your web browser.

Once run-swaggerui.py is running, you can also access the APIs via curl or other tool. For example, in Windows
PowerShell, execute:
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri http://localhost:8080/trashawss3s/ -Method GET -Headers @{'accept' = 'application/json'}`

In MacOS or Linux, the equivalent command is:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/trashawss3s/ -H 'accept: application/json'

Packaging and releasing this project
See the RELEASING.md file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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