heps_ds_utils 0.5.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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heps ds utils 0.5.0

Hepsiburada Data Science Utilities
This module includes utilities for Hepsiburada Data Science Team.

Library is available via PyPi.
Library can be downloaded using pip as follows: pip install heps-ds-utils
Existing library can be upgraded using pip as follows: pip install heps-ds-utils --upgrade

Available Modules

Hive Operations

from heps_ds_utils import HiveOperations

# A connection is needed to be generated in a specific runtime.
# There are 3 ways to set credentials for connection.

# 1) Instance try to set default credentials from Environment Variables.
hive_ds = HiveOperations()

# 2) One can pass credentials to instance initiation to override default.
hive_ds = HiveOperations(HIVE_USER="ZZZ", HIVE_PASS="WWW")

# 3) One can change any of the credentials after initiation using appropriate attribute.
hive_ds = HiveOperations()
hive_ds.hive_username = 'XXX'
hive_ds.hive_password = 'YYY'

# Execute an SQL query to retrieve data.
# Currently Implemented Types: DataFrame, Numpy Array, Dictionary, List.
SQL_QUERY = "SELECT * FROM {db}.{table}"
data, columns = hive_ds.execute_query(SQL_QUERY, return_type="dataframe", return_columns=False)

# Execute an SQL query to create and insert data into table.

# Send Files to Hive and Create a Table with the Data.
# Currently DataFrame or Numpy Array can be sent to Hive.
# While sending Numpy Array columns have to be provided.
hive_ds.send_files_to_hive("{db}.{table}", data, columns=None)

# Close the connection at the end of the runtime.


BigQuery Operations

from heps_ds_utils import BigQueryOperations, execute_from_bq_file

# A connection is needed to be generated in a specific runtime.
# There are 3 ways to set credentials for connection.

# 1) Instance try to set default credentials from Environment Variables.
bq_ds = BigQueryOperations()

# 2) One can pass credentials to instance initiation to override default.
bq_ds = BigQueryOperations(gcp_key_path="/tmp/keys/ds_qos.json")

# Unlike HiveOperations, initiation creates a direct connection. Absence of
# credentials will throw an error.

# Execute an SQL query to retrieve data.
# Currently Implemented Types: DataFrame.
QUERY_STRING = """SELECT * FROM `[project_name].[dataset_name].[table_name]` LIMIT 20"""
data = bq_ds.execute_query(QUERY_STRING, return_type='dataframe')

# Create a Dataset in BigQuery.

# Create a Table under a Dataset in BigQuery.
schema = [
{"field_name": "id", "field_type": "INTEGER", "field_mode": "REQUIRED"},
{"field_name": "first_name", "field_type": "STRING", "field_mode": "REQUIRED"},
{"field_name": "last_name", "field_type": "STRING", "field_mode": "REQUIRED"},
{"field_name": "email", "field_type": "STRING", "field_mode": "REQUIRED"},
{"field_name": "gender", "field_type": "STRING", "field_mode": "REQUIRED"},
{"field_name": "ip_address", "field_type": "STRING", "field_mode": "REQUIRED"}]

bq_ds.create_new_table(dataset='example_dataset', table_name='mock_data', schema=schema)

# Insert into an existing Table from Dataframe.
# Don't create and insert in the same runtime.
# Google throws an error when creation and insertion time is close.
bq_ds.insert_rows_into_existing_table(dataset='example_dataset', table='mock_data', data=df)

# Delete a Table.
bq_ds.delete_existing_table('example_dataset', 'mock_data')

# Delete a Dataset.
# Trying to delete a dataset consisting of tables will throw an error.

# Load Dataframe As a Table. BigQuery will infer the data types.
bq_ds.load_data_to_table('example_dataset', 'mock_data', df, overwrite=False)

# To execute BQ commands sequentially from a BigQuery Script without a return statement !
execute_from_bq_file(bq_client=bq_ds, bq_file_path="tests/test_data/test_case_2.bq", verbose=True)

Logging Operations

from heps_ds_utils import LoggingOperations

# A connection is needed to be generated in a specific runtime.
# There are 3 ways to set credentials for connection.

# 1) Instance try to set default credentials from Environment Variables.
logger_ds = LoggingOperations()

# 2) One can pass credentials to instance initiation to override default.
logger_ds = LoggingOperations(gcp_key_path="/tmp/keys/ds_qos.json")

# Unlike HiveOperations, initiation creates a direct connection. Absence of
# credentials will throw an error.

Bucket Operations

from heps_ds_utils import BucketOperations

# A connection is needed to be generated in a specific runtime.
# There are 2 ways to set credentials for connection.

# 1) Instance try to set default credentials from Environment Variables.
bct_ds = BucketOperations()

# 2) One can pass credentials to instance initiation to override default.
bct_ds = BucketOperations(gcp_key_path="/tmp/keys/ds_qos.json")

# Unlike HiveOperations, initiation creates a direct connection. Absence of
# credentials will throw an error.

BUCKET_NAME = "bucket-name"

# Upload File using filepath.
# Blob name is the filepath you want the file to be under the bucket.
# Filepath is the path to the file you want to upload.
bct_ds.upload_from_filepath(BUCKET_NAME, "project_name/dev/data/output.csv", "data/output.csv")

# Upload File from memory data.
# If you want to save the data in memory to a file, you can use this function.
bct_ds.upload_from_memory(BUCKET_NAME, "project_name/dev/model/model.pkl", model)

# Download file from bucket to filepath.
bct_ds.download_to_filepath(BUCKET_NAME, "project_name/dev/data/sample.json", "data/sample.json")

# Download data from bucket to memory.
# If you want to save the data in a file to memory, you can use this function.
frame = bct_ds.download_to_memory(BUCKET_NAME, "project_name/dev/data/sample.csv", "dataframe")

# Delete file from bucket.
bct_ds.delete_file_from_bucket(BUCKET_NAME, "project_name/dev/data/sample.json")

# Create empty folder to bucket.
bct_ds.create_new_folders(BUCKET_NAME, "project_name/dev/data/")

OVERWRITE = True/False
# Download files from bucket recursively.
bct_ds.download_recursively(BUCKET_NAME, "path/to/blob", OVERWRITE, "local/destination/path")

# Upload files to bucket recursively
bct_ds.upload_recursively(BUCKET_NAME, "path/to/blob", OVERWRITE, "local/source/path")

# Check if blob already exists.
bct_ds.does_blob_exist(BUCKET_NAME, 'path/to/blob')

Elastic Operations

from heps_ds_utils import ElasticOperations

# A connection is needed to be generated in a specific runtime.
# There are 2 ways to set credentials for connection.

# 1) Instance try to set default credentials from Environment Variables.
elastic_ds = ElasticOperations()

# 2) One can pass credentials to instance initiation to override default.
elastic_ds = ElasticOperations(ip="connetcion-ip", port="connection-port")

INDEX_NAME = "index-name"

# Get data count of index
count = elastic_ds.get_count(INDEX_NAME)

# Adjust read only parameter of the index.
# Prevent index from modifications.
elastic_ds.adjust_readonly(INDEX_NAME, True)

# Allow index to modifications
elastic_ds.adjust_readonly(INDEX_NAME, False)

# Recreate the index.
# Deletes the index and generates new one with same name.

# Upload data to index.
# Example data
data = [{'field-name1' : ['0000', '0001', '0002'],
'field-name2' : '2011-20-11'},
{'field-name1' : ['0003', '0002', '0001', '0000'],
'field-name2' : '2011-21-11'}]
elastic_ds.send_data_to_elastic(INDEX_NAME, data=data)

# Get data from the index.
# Currently Implemented Types: DataFrame.
data = elastic_ds.get_data_from_elastic(INDEX_NAME)

# Run custom search query at ElasticSearch.
# Implemented return methods: Hits-Hits (Default), Raw, Hits, Total, Value
result = elastic_ds.run_query(indexName=INDEX_NAME,
body={"query": {"match_all": {}}})

Mongo Operations

from heps_ds_utils import MongoOperations
# A connection is needed to be generated in a specific runtime.
# There are 2 ways to set credentials for connection.

# 1) One can pass connection string to instance initiation.
mongo_ds = MongoOperations(connection_string="connection-string")

# 2) One can pass ip and port credentials to instance initiation.
mongo_ds = MongoOperations(ip="connetcion-ip", port=int("connection-port"))

DATABASE_NAME = "database-name"
COLLECTION_NAME = "collection-name"

# Create database
database = mongo_ds.create_database(DATABASE_NAME)

# Create collection
collection = mongo_ds.create_collection(DATABASE_NAME, COLLECTION_NAME)

# Get database
database = mongo_ds.get_database(DATABASE_NAME)

# Get collection
collection = mongo_ds.get_collection(DATABASE_NAME, COLLECTION_NAME)

# Get document count of collection.
# filter parameter is optional
count = mongo_ds.get_count(DATABASE_NAME, COLLECTION_NAME, filter='filter')

# Find documents in collection
# filter, sort and limit parameters are optional.
# Currently Implemented Types: List of dictionaries, DataFrame
documents = mongo_ds.find_document(database_name=DATABASE_NAME,

# Insert Document
# Currently Implemented Types: Dictionary, Records (List of Dictionaries), DataFrame

# Update Document

# Delete Document

# Drop Database

# Drop Collection

Release Notes:


insert_rows_into_existing_table: insertion exception handling added.
insert_rows_into_existing_table: retry added.

Put time between table creation and insertion.

execute_query: total_bytes_processed info added.
execute_query: max allowed total_bytes_processed set to 100GB.
execute_query: return_type=None for Queries w/o any return.
load_data_to_table: kwargs['overwrite'] is added.

load_data_to_table(..., overwrite=True) to overwrite to table.
load_data_to_table(..., overwrite=False) to append to table.
not passing overwrite kwarg will print a DeprecationWarning.

execute_from_bq_file: sequential execution of BigQuery commands from
a file. It has its own parser.

execute_from_bq_file(..., verbose=True) to print BigQuery commands to console.
execute_from_bq_file(..., verbose=False) not to print BigQuery commands to console.



Bug Fix in Authentication to GCP Logging !


Executing BQ files for different environments !



BQ Parser bug fix !
BQ File Execution dependent queries

Some of the queries depends on the previous command executions. For these cases:
dependent_queries is needed to be set to True !

BQ Create Table Results in Empty Table Check Added!

Raises an error if CREATE TABLE ... SELECT AS ... query results in empty table.
This doesn't work in the case of dependent_queries=True !!!

100GB limit is turned into a warning, which will not be displayed in prod env.
BQ Return Types Implemented (Numpy Array and Arrow Formats)


protobuf dependency issue resolved!


upload_from_filepath function added.
upload_from_memory function added.
download_to_filepath function added.
download_to_memory function added.
delete_file_from_bucket function added.
create_new_folders function added.
delete_folder function added.



create_client function added.
get_count function added.
set_max_result_window function added.
check_readonly function added.
nonreadonly function added.
readonly function added.
adjust_readonly function added.
create_index function added.
delete_index function added.
recreate_index function added.
send_data_to_elastic function added.
get_data_from_elastic function added.
run_query function added.


create_client function added.
show_databases function added.
show_collections function added.
create_database function added.
create_collection function added.
get_database function added.
get_collection function added.
get_count function added.
find_document function added.
insert_document function added.
update_document function added.
delete_document function added.
drop_database function added.
drop_collection function added.


execute_query: return_type="records" (list of dictionaries) implemented.
Different Region connection implemented.


MAJOR UPDATE: HiveOperations are now in extras.
If you want to install extra hive dependencies
poetry add heps-ds-utils=^0.4.7a3 -extras hive


upload_from_filepath: uploaded file and source file size check added.
download_to_filepath: zip extraction added.
download_recursively function added.
upload_recursively function added.
does_blob_exist function added.


Version Updates for Dependencies


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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