herald-notify 1.0.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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heraldnotify 1.0.1

Programmatically send notifications!

Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve been simply twiddling
your thumbs, waiting for your program to finish compiling/running? Are
you into Deep Learning and need a way to notify yourself when your
program crashes or is done learning to do the impossible?
Then Herald is for you!
With a simple, extensible and pythonic interface, you can get setup with
a programmatic way of notifying yourself and/or your teammates about
different events in your code.
The following platforms are currently supported:


Need to use it with a custom platform? You can easily write your own
notifier and plug it in to handle that, making Herald infinitely

The easy pip install herald-notify.

The primary way to use Herald is like a context manager. E.g.
import herald
from herald import notifiers

# Send yourself a mail in Gmail to notify you
# Assumes your Gmail tokens have been set up properly
notifier = notifiers.GmailNotifier()

with Herald(notifier, message="Model Trained!"):
# super long running process
You should get an email in your registered Gmail account at the end of
the program.
You can also specify notifications at arbitrary points via the
notifier call:
import herald
from herald import notifiers

notifier = notifiers.TerminalNotifier("Whoop de doo!")

notifier.notify("A new custom message")

# Send the original message from the constructor

If you find bugs, please feel free to submit an Issue, or even better, a
Pull Request!

To set up your dev environment, perform the following steps: - Clone
Herald - Inside the root directory, run pipenv shell to open a
shell. - Finally run pipenv install to install all the dependencies.
At this point, you should be good to go!



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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