heroicons 2.8.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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heroicons 2.8.0

Use heroicons in your Django and Jinja templates.

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Python 3.8 to 3.12 supported.
Django 3.2 to 5.1 supported.

The heroicons package supports both Django templates and Jinja templates.
Follow the appropriate guide below.

Django templates

Install with python -m pip install heroicons[django].

Now your templates can load the template library with:
{% load heroicons %}
Alternatively, make the library available in all templates by adding it to the builtins option:
"BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates",
# ...
# ...
"builtins": [
The library provides these tags to render SVG icons in their corresponding styles:


The tags take these arguments:

name, positional: the name of the icon to use.
You can see the icon names on the heroicons.com grid.
size, keyword: an integer that will be used for the width and height attributes of the output <svg> tag.
Defaults to the icons’ designed sizes: 24 for outline and solid, 20 for mini, and 16 for micro.
Can be None, in which case no width or height attributes will be output.
Any number of keyword arguments.
These will be added as attributes in the output HTML.
Underscores in attribute names will be replaced with dashes, allowing you to define e.g. data- attributes.
Most attributes will be added to the <svg> tag containing the icon, but these attributes will be attached to the inner <path> tags instead:


Note: unlike the SVG code you can copy from heroicons.com, there is no default class.

An outline “academic-cap” icon:
{% heroicon_outline "academic-cap" %}
The same icon, solid, at 40x40 pixels, and a CSS class:
{% heroicon_outline "academic-cap" size=40 class="mr-4" %}
That icon again, but with the paths changed to a narrower stroke width, and a “data-controller” attribute declared:
{% heroicon_outline "academic-cap" stroke_width=1 data_controller="academia" %}

Jinja templates

Install with python -m pip install heroicons[jinja].
Adjust your Jinja Environment to add the global heroicon_* functions from heroicons.jinja.
For example:
from heroicons.jinja import (
from jinja2 import Environment

env = Environment()
"heroicon_micro": heroicon_micro,
"heroicon_mini": heroicon_mini,
"heroicon_outline": heroicon_outline,
"heroicon_solid": heroicon_solid,

Now in your templates you can call those functions, which render <svg> icons corresponding to the icon styles in the set.
The functions take these arguments:

name, positional: the name of the icon to use.
You can see the icon names on the heroicons.com grid.
size, keyword: an integer that will be used for the width and height attributes of the output <svg> tag.
Defaults to the icons’ designed sizes: 24 for outline and solid, 20 for mini, and 16 for micro.
Can be None, in which case no width or height attributes will be output.
Any number of keyword arguments.
These will be added as HTML attributes to the output HTML.
Underscores in attribute names will be replaced with dashes, allowing you to define e.g. data- attributes.
Most attributes will be added to the <svg> tag containing the icon, but these attributes will be attached to the inner <path> tags instead:


Note: unlike the SVG code you can copy from heroicons.com, there is no default class.

An outline “academic-cap” icon:
{{ heroicon_outline("academic-cap") }}
The same icon, solid, at 40x40 pixels, and a CSS class:
{{ heroicon_solid("academic-cap", size=40, class="mr-4") %}
That icon again, but with the paths changed to a narrower stroke width, and a “data-controller” attribute declared:
{{ heroicon_outline("academic-cap", stroke_width=1, data_controller="academia") %}

Many icons were renamed in version 2 of heroicons.
To assist you with migrating from version 1, this package includes a CLI that can update your heroicons template tags.
Invoke the CLI like so:
$ python -m heroicons update <filename> <filename2> ...
To run it on all your template files, you can use git ls-files | xargs:
$ git ls-files -- '*.html' | xargs python -m heroicons update
The tool will update icon names for those that were renamed in v2, as per the table in the heroicons release notes.
It should find both Django and Jinja template tags:
-{% heroicon_outline "archive" class="mr-2" %}
+{% heroicon_outline "archive-box" class="mr-2" %}

-{{ heroicon_solid("archive", class="mr-2") }}
+{{ heroicon_solid("archive-box", class="mr-2") }}
Also note that solid icons changed their default size from 20px to 24px.
If you are using them without specifying a size, they will now be larger, which could break some designs.
You can keep the v1 size by specifying it exactly:
{% heroicon_solid "archive-box" size=20 %}
{{ heroicon_solid("archive-box", size=20) }}
Or through other mechanisms:

Tailwind’s width and height classes: w-5 h-5
other CSS classes
sizing the containing elements

Due to the variety of ways to size icons, it’s unfortunately not possible to automatically add the size to unsized solid icons.
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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