hesseflux 5.0

Creator: rpa-with-ash

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hesseflux 5.0

hesseflux provides functions used in the processing and post-processing of
the Eddy covariance flux data of the ICOS ecosystem site FR-Hes.

About hesseflux
hesseflux collects functions used for processing Eddy covariance data of the
ICOS ecosystem site FR-Hes.
The post-processing functionality for Eddy flux data is similar to the R-package
REddyProc and includes basically the steps described in Papale et al.
(Biogeosciences, 2006) plus some extensions such as the daytime method of flux
partitioning (Lasslop et al., Global Change Biology 2010).

The complete documentation for hesseflux is available at:


Quick usage guide
Post-processing Eddy covariance data that is in europe-fluxdata.eu format
An example script that makes all the steps described in Papale et al.
(Biogeosciences, 2006) is given in the example directory. It is simply called:
python postproc_europe-fluxdata.py hesseflux_example.cfg
The script is governed by a configuration file in Python’s standard
configparser format. The example configuration file hesseflux_example.cfg is
highly commented. See the User Guide for a step by step guide through the
script and the configuration file.

The easiest way to install is via pip:
pip install hesseflux



hesseflux is distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for
Copyright (c) 2009-2022 Matthias Cuntz
The project structure hesseflux has borrowed heavily from welltestpy
by Sebastian Müller.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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