hexabyte 0.8.7

Creator: railscoder56

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hexabyte 0.8.7

Hexabyte - Commandline Hex Editor
A modern, robust, and extensible commandline hex editor.
~/$ pip install hexabyte
~/$ hexabyte --help
usage: hexabyte [-h] [-c CONFIG_FILEPATH] [-s] [files ...]

Hexabyte can operate in three distinct modes. Single file mode opens a single file with a single editor. Split screen mode opens a single file with a split screen view. Diff
mode opens two files side by side.

positional arguments:
files Specify 1 or 2 filenames

-h, --help show this help message and exit
Specify config location. Default: ~/.config/hexabyte/config.toml
-s, --split Display a single file in two split screen editors.


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