hex2words 0.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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hex2words 0.1.0

hex2words is a command-line python program to convert hexadecimal
numbers (e.g. file hashes, GPG keys fingerprints, etc.) into a list of
PGP words.
These PGP words can be used then to check if fingerprints or hashes
match via a phone line or just reading them aloud to your workmates.

PGP words
PGP words are words
chosen in a way that they sound very different to each other. Each
number between 0 and 255 has two equivalent words, for example 0x12 has
atlas and backwater.
If the byte 0x12 is in even order (2nd position, 4th, etc.) will be
translated to atlas, if it is in odd order, it will be translated to
backwater. In this way, if you have a number like 0x1212 you will get
two different words: atlas backwater, instead of twice the same word,
which prevents some mistakes of being done via a phone conversation.

hex2words for nodejs
This hex2words is a library for npm, in case you are interested in NodeJS. Not mine.

Using hex2words

Installing hex2words
$ pip install hex2words

Simplest usage
The words will be always all in lower-case. It seems, the lower or upper case changes the intonation when using programs like festival or say.
With 3 identifiers, a MAC, an IP6 address and some custom-format hexa id. The three as command-line arguments:
$ hex2words dc:0e:e5:62:94:ac fe80::df0e:e5ff:fe62:94ac 920d6b30-0fa4-11e5-9cde-442a60f31a14
sweatband atlantic topmost gadgetry pluto penetrate

woodlark intention talon atlantic topmost yucatán woodlark gadgetry pluto penetrate

physique asteroid glitter commando artist pandora athens travesty python telephone crumpled chambermaid facial vertigo beehive belowground

Piping file contents
The same three identifiers as before, stored in a file:
$ cat > test
And then, piping the file:
$ cat test | hex2words
sweatband Atlantic topmost gadgetry Pluto penetrate

woodlark intention talon Atlantic topmost Yucatán woodlark gadgetry Pluto penetrate

physique asteroid glitter commando artist Pandora Athens travesty python telephone crumpled chambermaid facial vertigo beehive belowground

Piping file hashes
SHA1 hashes of all python source files in the hex2words/ directory:
$ sha1sum hex2words/*.py | hex2words
brickyard megaton music outfielder village molecule virus Norwegian surmount enrollment clockwork belowground blowtorch pandemic virus Pandora hockey Istanbul dropper resistor

goggles leprosy pupil bravado guidance universe billiard Istanbul indoors equipment drumbeat company talon belowground Dupont Chicago shamrock Camelot clamshell Orlando

inverse opulent scorecard liberty framework Ohio wayside embezzle Geiger specialist sentence enchanting ribcage almighty skullcap Galveston jawbone vagabond classic hamburger

stairway quantity enlist belowground crusade racketeer beaming maritime allow Jupiter buzzard potato briefcase scavenger enlist pioneer offload replica quadrant conformist

Scotland puberty Geiger hesitate glitter antenna brickyard Medusa crumpled adviser drumbeat vacancy tycoon combustion blockade Norwegian spellbind outfielder stockman everyday

Piping GPG fingerprints
You can use both, the last 4 bytes of the fingerprint (34EC9CBA), or the complete fingerprint:
$ hex2words 34EC9CBA "EF45 5106 80FB 0232 6B04 5AFB 3247 4CF8 34EC 9CBA"
choking unicorn python puberty

EF45 5106 80FB 0232 6B04 5AFB 3247 4CF8 34EC 9CBA
uncut detector drunken amulet merit Wichita accrue component glitter alkali enlist Wichita checkup determine drainage warranty choking unicorn python puberty
Or piping from gpg:
$ gpg --list-keys --fingerprint 34EC9CBA | hex2words
EF45510680FB02326B045AFB32474CF834EC9CBA: uncut detector drunken amulet merit Wichita accrue component glitter alkali enlist Wichita checkup determine drainage warranty choking unicorn python puberty


Installing for development
$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:pfigue/hex2words.git
$ cd hex2words/
then you can run setup.py install, for example.

Running the tests
setup.py test should work. Tests are written for py.test framework. They live in hex2words/tests/.

Just fork the project and send pull requests with your magic. Try to
indent your code with flake8 or similar, and try to write tests and
nice code.

All feedback is welcomed!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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