hh-elastic2-doc-manager 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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hhelastic2docmanager 0.1.0

====================elastic2-doc-manager====================.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/mongodb-labs/elastic2-doc-manager.svg?branch=master :alt: View build status :target: https://travis-ci.org/mongodb-labs/elastic2-doc-managerGetting Started===============This package is a document manager for`mongo-connector <https://github.com/mongodb-labs/mongo-connector>`_ thattargets Elasticsearch versions 2.x and 5.x -- don't let the name fool you!For information on running mongo-connector with Elasticsearch, please see the`MongoConnector Usage with Elasticsearch<https://github.com/mongodb-labs/mongo-connector/wiki/Usage%20with%20ElasticSearch>`_wiki page.Installation============The installation of the elastic2-doc-manager depends on which version ofElasticsearch you are targeting.Elasticsearch 1.x-----------------This is the document manager for Elasticsearch 2.x and 5.x. If youwant to target Elasticsearch 1.x, please install the`elastic-doc-manager <https://github.com/mongodb-labs/elastic-doc-manager>`_.Elasticsearch 2.x-----------------For use with an Elasticsearch 2.x server, install with`pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>`__:: pip install 'elastic2-doc-manager[elastic2]'Elasticsearch 5.x-----------------For use with an Elasticsearch 5.x server, install with:: pip install 'elastic2-doc-manager[elastic5]'.. note:: Version 0.3.0 added support for Elasticsearch 5.x.Amazon Elasticsearch Service----------------------------To use with Amazon Elasticsearch Service, you must install the required AWSdependencies along with the version of Elasticsearch:: pip install 'elastic2-doc-manager[elastic2,aws]'Development-----------You can also install the development version of elastic2-doc-managermanually:: git clone https://github.com/mongodb-labs/elastic2-doc-manager.git pip install -e './elastic2-doc-manager[elastic2]'You may have to run ``pip`` with ``sudo``, depending on where you'reinstalling and what privileges you have... note:: Please note that before mongo-connector version 2.2.2, the elasticdoc manager was packaged with mongo-connector and only supportedElasticsearch 1.x.Running the tests-----------------Requirements~~~~~~~~~~~~1. Copy of the Elastic 2.x Document Manager Github repository The tests are not included in the package from PyPI and can only be acquired by cloning this repository on Github:: git clone https://github.com/mongodb-labs/elastic2-doc-manager2. Mongo Orchestration Mongo Connector runs MongoDB on its own using another tool called `Mongo Orchestration <https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-orchestration>`__. This package should install automatically if you run ``python setup.py test``, but the Mongo Orchestration server still needs to be started manually before running the tests:: mongo-orchestration --bind --config orchestration.config start will start the server. To stop it:: mongo-orchestration --bind --config orchestration.config stop The location of the MongoDB server should be set in orchestration.config. For more information on how to use Mongo Orchestration, or how to use it with different arguments, please look at the Mongo-Orchestration README.3. Environment variables There are a few influential environment variables that affect the tests. These are: - ``DB_USER`` is the username to use if running the tests with authentication enabled. - ``DB_PASSWORD`` is the password for the above. - ``MONGO_PORT`` is the starting port for running MongoDB. Future nodes will be started on sequentially increasing ports. - ``ES_HOST`` is the hostname on which Elasticsearch is running. - ``ES_PORT`` is the port on which Elasticsearch is running. - ``MO_ADDRESS`` is the address to use for Mongo Orchestration (i.e. hostname:port) - ``PYTHON_ELASTIC_VERSION`` is the pip style version of Elasticsearch to test with (eg >=5.0.0,<6.0.0)All the tests live in the `tests` directory.Running tests on the command-line~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~While the tests take care of setting up and tearing down MongoDB clusters ontheir own, make sure to start Elasticsearch before doing a full test run!You can run all the tests with one command (this works in all supported Python versions):: python setup.py testIn addition, you can be more selective with which tests you runin Python > 2.6 only)! For example, if you only wanted to run the elastic2doc manager tests:: python -m unittest tests.test_elastic2_doc_managerError messages~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Some of the tests are meant to generate lots of ``ERROR``-level log messages,especially the rollback tests. mongo-connector logs exceptions it encounterswhile iterating the cursor in the oplog, so we see these in the console outputwhile MongoDB clusters are being torn apart in the tests. As long as all thetests pass with an `OK` message, all is well.


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