hi-getter 0.13

Creator: bradpython12

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higetter 0.13


A simple way to get live Halo data straight from Halo Waypoint.

Note: This project is in a public alpha, and as such, many features are not complete.
HaloInfiniteGetter is in no way associated with, endorsed by, or otherwise affiliated with the
Microsoft Corporation, Xbox Game Studios, or 343 Industries. Depending on how you use it, use of this app
may or may not be considered abuse by the aforementioned parties.
Other Documents:


Table of Contents

How to Use


Knowing Where to Search

Cache Explorer
Importing and Exporting Cached Requests

Media Output
Text Output


Theme File Structure

HaloInfiniteGetter is a GUI application written using Qt for Python that allows you to easily view data
hosted on HaloWaypoint API endpoints.
You can view both Image and Text output, with these results being cached in the user's .cache/hi_getter/cached_requests directory,
to eliminate unnecessary API calls.
How to Use:

First, install Python 3.10 using this link
Then, open command prompt (Win + R -- type in "cmd") and type pip install hi_getter

Optionally, to install the latest unstable version, type pip install git+https://github.com/Cubicpath/HaloInfiniteGetter.git

And you are done! To launch the program simply type hi_getter

Once launched, you can create a desktop shortcut by using the Create Desktop Shortcut tool
under the Tools context menu

As this app is unofficial, you must use your own API key, which you can get by logging in to HaloWaypoint and either getting
data from the authentication headers, or from the website's cookies.

Sign in to www.halowaypoint.com using your xbox account
Navigate to the Cookies for www.halowaypoint.com

On Firefox -- F12 > Move to the "Storage" tab > Under "Cookies" select https://www.halowaypoint.com

Double-click the "wpauth" cookie value and copy with CTRL + C
Open the Settings window, unlock the input by pressing the "Edit Auth Key" button, then paste the copied value.

Press the Set button, and you should now be authenticated!

When you access a resource and are properly authenticated, it is cached to your
~/.cache/hi_getter/cached_requests directory.
By default, when you access an already-cached resource, HaloInfiniteGetter checks for a new
version of said resource on HaloWaypoint servers. The old version is stored in
~/.cache/hi_getter/old_files along with its version identifier.

You can disable this behaviour by unchecking the Update Cached Resources checkbox in Settings.

Knowing Where to Search:

An example resource (Progression/file/Calendars/Seasons/SeasonCalendar.json) is pre-filled out in the
path input section.
You may omit progression/file/ and images/file/ from searches, so long as the file extension of the resource
indicates data or media (ex: json defaults as progression/file/, png and jpg defaults as images/file/).
Gets the singular resource from the given path and outputs it.
Warning: This may display various flashing images in quick succession.
Recursively scan a given JSON resource for paths to more resources, ignoring already scanned resources.
This results in caching ALL resources that are referenced by any other resource with some tie to the original
resource path.
If you want to scan your own json file(s) for resource paths, you can use the Scan Files... tool in the
Tools context menu.
Cache Explorer:
You can view all cached files using the Cache Explorer, which is on the left-hand side of the main window.
It has 1 setting:

Icon Mode --- Changes how the file/folder icons are rendered

No Icons --- Removes all icons in the view
Default (Default) --- Renders icons normally (like explorer)
Preview Images --- Use image previews as icons for images.
This can use upwards of ~2GB of memory if you have a lot of image files

Context Menu actions:

Open in View --- Open the cached file's contents in one of the output views
Open in Default App --- Open the cached file in its extension's default app

Expand --- Expand the selected directory
Expand Recursively --- Expand this directory and any subdirectories
Expand All --- Expand all directories
Collapse --- Collapse the selected directory
Collapse All --- Collapse all directories

Copy Full Path --- Copy the cached file's path
Copy Endpoint Path --- Copy the path, translated into it's associated endpoint
Copy File Contents --- Copy the contents of the file onto your clipboard.

Importing and Exporting Cached Requests
You can use the File context menu to easily import and export archive files containing cached requests.
Once imported, you can view the data in the Cache Explorer.
Supported archive types are:

7Zip Archives (*.7z)
ZIP Files (*.zip & *.piz)
TAR Files (*.tar, *.tar.gz, *.tgz, *.tar.bz2, *.tbz2, *.tar.xz, *.txz)

gzip, bzip2, and xz are the supported compression algorithms

Both the media and the text output can be detached and reattached from the main window.
This allows greater flexibility, like viewing only the image in fullscreen.

Media Output:
The media output shows the currently loaded image to the user, scaled to fit the current window.
It has two settings:

Aspect Ratio Mode --- Changes how the aspect-ratio is transformed to fit the window

Ignore --- Transform the aspect ratio to meet the output's dimensions
Keep (Default) --- Keep the aspect ratio without expanding past the output's dimensions
Expanding --- Expand the image's size to keep its aspect ratio

Image Transform Mode --- Changes how the image is rendered to a different size

Fast (Default) --- Faster, looks more jagged
Smooth --- Smooths edges, looks better in some cases

Text Output:
The text output displays any text data loaded by the given path, or an error response from the server.
Path are automatically detected and hyperlinked for ease of use, which allows you to easily browse
multiple paths in succession.
It has one setting:

Line Wrap Mode --- Changes how lines are wrapped inside the text output

No Wrap --- No line wrapping, use the horizontal scroll wheel instead
Widgets (Default) --- Line wrap if a word does not fit the text output's dimensions
Fixed Pixel --- Line wrap after every space/seperator
Fixed Column --- Line wrap after every character (excluding spaces)

Themes are a way to style already-existing elements (Think CSS). They are held in a directory with their resources
and stylesheet in the same folder level.
Theme File Structure:

│ ├─── [icon1_name].svg
│ ├─── [icon2_name].svg
│ ├─── [icon3_name].svg
│ └─── stylesheet.qss

The current builtin themes are:

Breeze Dark
Breeze Light
Legacy (Default Qt)

While the current breeze themes are slightly modified versions, you can view the original themes at BreezeStyleSheets.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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