hikari-flare 0.1.3

Creator: bradpython12

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hikariflare 0.1.3

A stateless component manager for hikari with a type-safe API.

buttons, select menus, and modals
easy and powerful API for simple interactions
saves data between bot restarts by utilizing the component's custom id

If you want to create complex component interactions hikari-miru may be a better choice.
pip install hikari-flare


🗃️ | Docs
📦 | Pypi

import flare
import hikari

@flare.button(label="Test Button", style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY)
async def test_button(
ctx: flare.MessageContext,
) -> None:
await ctx.respond(content="Hello World!")

@flare.button(label="State Button", style=hikari.ButtonStyle.PRIMARY)
async def state_button(
ctx: flare.MessageContext,
# Args and kwargs are used for state.
number: int,
) -> None:
await ctx.respond(content=f"The number is: {number}")

bot = hikari.GatewayBot("...")

async def buttons(event: hikari.GuildMessageCreateEvent) -> None:

# Ignore other bots or webhooks pinging us
if not event.is_human:

me = bot.get_me()

# If the bot is mentioned
if me.id in event.message.user_mentions_ids:
# Set custom state for components that need it
row = await flare.Row(test_button(), state_button(5))
message = await event.message.respond("Hello Flare!", component=row)


The API can also be accessed at a lower level if components need typed attributes.
class Button(flare.Button):
a: int
b: str

async def callback(self, ctx: flare.Context) -> None:
typing_extensions.reveal_type(self.a) # int
typing_extensions.reveal_type(self.b) # str
await ctx.respond("Hello flare!")

Converters allow you to serialize and deserialize types.
Here in an example of an int converter.
Converters for int, str, typing.Literal, and enum.Enum are built in.
class IntConverter(Converter[int]):
async def to_str(self, obj: int) -> str:
return str(obj)

async def from_str(self, obj: str) -> int:
return int(obj)

int, # The typehint this converter is used for.
IntConverter # The converter class.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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