HinetPy 0.9.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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HinetPy 0.9.1

NIED Hi-net |
Source Code |
Documentation |

HinetPy is a Python package for accessing and
processing seismic data from NIED Hi-net.

Key Features

Facilitates easy access to NIED Hi-net seismic data, including continuous/event
waveform data and event catalogs.
Supports multiple seismic networks (e.g., F-net, S-net, MeSO-net and more in addition
to Hi-net) in Japan.
Selects a subset of stations based on geographical location or station name (Supports
Hi-net, F-net, S-net and MeSO-net only).
Converts waveform data to SAC format and instrumental responses to SAC polezero files.
Speeds up the downloading and processing workflow via the use of multithreading.

A simple example
Here is an example showing how to use HinetPy to request continuous waveform data from
Hi-net, convert the data into SAC format, and extract instrumental responses as SAC
polezero files.
from HinetPy import Client, win32

# You need a Hi-net account to access the data
client = Client("username", "password")

# Let's try to request 20-minute data of the Hi-net network (with an internal
# network code of '0101') starting at 2010-01-01T00:00 (JST, GMT+0900)
data, ctable = client.get_continuous_waveform("0101", "201001010000", 20)

# The request and download process usually takes a few minutes
# waiting for data request ...
# waiting for data download ...

# Now you can see the data and corresponding channel table in your working directory
# waveform data (in win32 format) : 0101_201001010000_20.cnt
# channel table (plaintext file) : 0101_20100101.ch

# Let's convert data from win32 format to SAC format
win32.extract_sac(data, ctable)

# Let's extract instrument response as PZ files from the channel table file

# Now you can see several SAC and SAC_PZ files in your working directory

# ...
# ...

If you find this package useful, please consider citing the package in either of the
following ways:
Cite the HinetPy paper (preferred)
A formal paper is published on The Journal of Open Source Software
since HinetPy v0.9.0. This is the preferred way for citation.

Tian, D. (2024). HinetPy: A Python package for accessing and processing NIED Hi-net seismic data.
Journal of Open Source Software, 9(98), 6840. https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.06840

Cite a specific HinetPy version
If you’d like to cite a specific HinetPy version, you can visit
Zenodo, choose the version you want to cite,
and cite like this:

Tian, D. (20XX). HinetPy: A Python package for accessing and processing NIED Hi-net seismic data (X.X.X).
Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.xxxxxxxx

Feedback and contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue or pull
request if you have any suggestions or would like to contribute a feature.
For additional information or specific questions, please open an issue directly.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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