Hive-ML 1.0.1

Creator: bradpython12

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HiveML 1.0.1


Hive-ML is a Python Package collecting the tools and scripts to run Machine Learning experiments on Radiological
Medical Imaging.
To install Hive-ML:
pip install hive-ml

or from GitHub:
git clone
pip install -e Hive_ML

The Hive-ML workflow consists of several sequential steps, including Radiomics extraction,
Sequential Forward Feature Selection, and Model Fitting, reporting the classifier performances ( ROC-AUC,
Specificity, Accuracy) in a tabular format and tracking all the steps on an MLFlow server.
In addition, Hive-ML provides a Docker Image, Kubernetes Deployment and Slurm Job,
with the corresponding set of instructions to easily reproduce the experiments.
Finally, Hive-ML also support model serving through MLFlow, to provide easy access to the trained classifier
for future usage in model prediction.
#In the tutorial explained below, Hive-ML is used to predict the Pathological Complete Response after a Neo-Adjuvant
#chemotherapy, from DCE-MRI.

The Hive-ML workflow is controlled from a JSON configuration file, which the user can customize for each experiment run.
"image_suffix": "_image.nii.gz", # File suffix (or list of File suffixes) of the files containing the image volume.
"mask_suffix": "_mask.nii.gz", # File suffix (including file extension) of the files containing the segmentation mask of the ROI.
"label_dict": { # Dictionary describing the classes. The key-value pair contains the label value as key (starting from 0) and the class description as value.
"0": "non-pCR",
"1": "pCR"
"models": { # Dictionary for all the classifiers to evaluate. Each element includes the classifier class name and an additional dictionary with the kwargs to pass to the classifier object.
"rf": {
"criterion": "gini",
"n_estimators": 100,
"max_depth": 10
"adab": {
"criterion": "gini",
"n_estimators": 100,
"max_depth": 10
"knn": {},
"lda": {},
"qda": {},
"logistic_regression": {},
"svm": {
"kernel": "rbf"
"naive": {}
"perfusion_maps": { # Dictionary describing the perfusion maps to extract. Each element includes the perfusion map name and the file suffix used to save the perfusion map.
"distance_map": "_distance_map.nii.gz",
"distance_map_depth": {
"suffix": "_distance_map_depth.nii.gz",
"kwargs": [
"ttp": "_ttp_map.nii.gz",
"cbv": "_cbv_map.nii.gz",
"cbf": "_cbf_map.nii.gz",
"mtt": "_mtt_map.nii.gz"
"feature_selection": "SFFS", # Type of Feature Selection to perform. Supported values are SFFS and PCA .
"n_features": 30, # Number of features to preserve when performing Feature Selection.
"n_folds": 5, # Number of folds to run cross-validation.
"random_seed": 12345, # Random seed number used when randomizing events and actions.
"feature_aggregator": "SD" # Aggregation strategy used when extracting features in the 4D.
# Supported values are: ``Flat`` (no aggregation, all features are preserved),
# ``Mean`` (Average over the 4-th dimension),
# ``SD`` (Standard Deviation over the 4-th dimension),
# ``Mean_Norm`` (Independent channel-normalization, followed by average over the 4-th dimension),
# ``SD_Norm`` (Independent channel-normalization, followed by SD over the 4-th dimension)
"k_ensemble": [1,5], # List of k values to select top-k best models in ensembling.
"metric_best_model": "roc_auc", # Classification Metric to consider when determining the best models from CV results.
"reduction_best_model": "mean" # Reduction to perform on CV scores to determine the best models.

Perfusion Maps Generation
Given a 4D Volume, to extract the perfusion maps (TTP, CBV, CBF, MTT) run:
Hive_ML_generate_perfusion_maps -i </path/to/data_folder> --config-file <config_file.json>

Fore more details, follow the Jupyter Notebook
Tutorial : Generate Perfusion Maps

Feature Extraction
To extract Radiomics/Radiodynamics from the 4D Volume, run:
Hive_ML_extract_radiomics --data-folder </path/to/data_folder> --config-file <config_file.json> --feature-param-file </path/to/radiomics_config.yaml --output-file </path/to/feature_file>

Fore more details, follow the Jupyter Notebook Tutorial : Extract Features
Feature Selection
To run Feature Selection:
Hive_ML_feature_selection --feature-file </path/to/feature_file> --config-file <config_file.json> --experiment-name <EXPERIMENT_ID>

The Feature Selection report (in JSON format, including the selected features and validation scores for each classifier)
will be available at the following path:

Fore more details, follow the Jupyter Notebook Tutorial : Feature Selection
Model Fitting
To perform Model Fitting on the Selected features:
Hive_ML_model_fitting --feature-file </path/to/feature_file> --config-file <config_file.json> --experiment-name <EXPERIMENT_ID>

The experiment validation reports, plots, and summaries will be available at the following path:

Fore more details, follow the Jupyter Notebook Tutorial : Model Fitting


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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