horizon-openfoam 1.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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horizonopenfoam 1.0

This repository provides a horizon dashboard for the OpenFOAM cloud
application. To use it, you must also install the backend

Installing via pip to an existing OpenStack Horizon installation
You can install the horizon-openfoam dashboard via pip package manager:
pip install horizon-openfoam
Edit openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py and add the
following parameters at the end:
OFCLOUD_API_URL = 'your_ofcloud_api_url'
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your_s3_access_key_id'
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your_s3_secret_access_key'
S3_HOST = 's3 host'
S3_PORT = 443
The OFCLOUD_API_URL is the root URL of the OpenFOAM
To enable the dashboard copy _6010_horizon-openfoam.py to
openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled (usually under
After installing restart your apache2 server where horizon is running.
systemctl restart apache2.service
systemctl restart httpd.service

Installing locally
In order to use the OpenFOAM Horizon dashboard, one must first clone the
OpenStack’s Horizon project and checkout the Liberty version:
git clone https://github.com/openstack/horizon.git
git checkout stable/liberty
Install the required packages (we suggest to use virtualenv for this):
cd horizon
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then add the ofcloud dashboard submodule
cd horizon/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/
git submodule add --name ofcloud https://github.com/mikelangelo-project/openfoam-ui.git ofcloud
In order to enable the dashboard, go to
horizon/openstack_dashboard/enabled. This directory contains several
files configuring the dashboards and panels. File ordering is important
in that it sets the structure of the Horizon dashboard.
Create a file in this directory, for example _50_ofcloud.py and copy
the following content:
# The name of the dashboard to be added to HORIZON['dashboards']. Required.
DASHBOARD = 'ofcloud'

# If set to True, this dashboard will not be added to the settings.

# A list of applications to be added to INSTALLED_APPS.
Finally, edit the local settings file
(horizon/openstack_dashboard/local/local_settings.py) and put the
following settings (replace with values appropriate to your system
OFCLOUD_API_URL = 'ofcloud-backend-url'
S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'your-s3-key'
S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'your-s3-secrect-key'
S3_HOST = 's3-host'
S3_PORT = s3-port
The OFCLOUD_API_URL is the root URL of the OpenFOAM

Start the OpenStack Horizon application, login and look for the OpenFOAM
Cloud dashboard.
cd horizon
python manage.py runserver

This project has been conducted within the RIA MIKELANGELO
project (no. 645402), started in
January 2015, and co-funded by the European Commission under the
H2020-ICT- 07-2014: Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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