hpdr 1.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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hpdr 1.0.0

When your Hive partitions are YYYY, MM, DD, HH and not YYYYMMDDHH, composing date
ranges with them can get out of control.
hpdr solves this problem.
>>> from hpdr import api
>>> rng = api.build('2016102612', '2017122612').partition_range
>>> print(rng.build_display())
((YYYY=2016 AND MM=10 AND DD=26 AND HH>=12) OR (YYYY=2016 AND MM=10 AND DD>26)
OR (YYYY=2016 AND MM>10) OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM<12) OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM=12 AND DD<26)
OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM=12 AND DD=26 AND HH<12))
>>> print(rng.build_display(pretty=True))
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=10 AND DD=26 AND HH>=12)
OR (YYYY=2016 AND MM=10 AND DD>26)
OR (YYYY=2016 AND MM>10)
OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM<12)
OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM=12 AND DD<26)
OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM=12 AND DD=26 AND HH<12)
Maybe you think in local time but store your data in UTC?
>>> from hpdr import api
>>> rng = api.build('2016102612', '2017122612',
... dzone='America/Los_Angeles',
... qzone='UTC').partition_range
>>> print(rng.build_display(pretty=True))
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=10 AND DD=26 AND HH>=19)
OR (YYYY=2016 AND MM=10 AND DD>26)
OR (YYYY=2016 AND MM>10)
OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM<12)
OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM=12 AND DD<26)
OR (YYYY=2017 AND MM=12 AND DD=26 AND HH<20)
Or maybe your date range is too large to run in one query, and it’s a pain to break it down?
import subprocess, os, os.path, tempfile, datetime
from hpdr import api

QUERY_FILE = 'myquery.hql'
OUT_FILE = 'out.txt'
begin = datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 1)
end = datetime.datetime(2016, 11, 30)
step = '5days'

with open(QUERY_FILE) as f:
template = f.read()

specs = api.build_with_steps(begin=begin, end=end, step=step)

if os.path.isfile(OUT_FILE):

for spec in specs:
query = spec.substitute(template)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
cmd = ['/usr/bin/hive', '-f', f.name]
with open(OUT_FILE, 'a') as outfile:
subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout=outfile)
This prints:
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=11 AND DD>=01 AND DD<06)
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=11 AND DD>=06 AND DD<11)
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=11 AND DD>=11 AND DD<16)
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=11 AND DD>=16 AND DD<21)
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=11 AND DD>=21 AND DD<26)
(YYYY=2016 AND MM=11 AND DD>=26 AND DD<30)
It runs 6 Hive queries built from a template containing HPDR_ variables. Something like this:
FROM my_table
WHERE event_timestamp >= '${HPDR_begin_ts}'
AND event_timestamp < '${HPDR_end_ts}'
AND ${HPDR_range}
The first query looks like this.
FROM my_table
WHERE event_timestamp >= '2016-11-01 00:00:00'
AND event_timestamp < '2016-11-06 00:00:00'
AND (YYYY=2016 AND MM=11 AND DD>=01 AND DD<06)
The full list of HPDR_ variables available for that first query is:
variable value
--------------------------- -------------------
HPDR_dzone UTC
HPDR_qzone UTC
HPDR_begin_ts 2016-11-01 00:00:00
HPDR_end_ts 2016-11-06 00:00:00
HPDR_slop_begin_ts 2016-11-01 00:00:00
HPDR_slop_end_ts 2016-11-06 00:00:00
HPDR_begin_unixtime 1477983600
HPDR_begin_unixtime_ms 1477983600000
HPDR_begin_yyyymmdd 20161101
HPDR_begin_yyyy 2016
HPDR_begin_mm 11
HPDR_begin_dd 01
HPDR_begin_hh 00
HPDR_begin_min 00
HPDR_begin_sec 00
HPDR_end_unixtime 1478415600
HPDR_end_unixtime_ms 1478415600000
HPDR_end_yyyymmdd 20161106
HPDR_end_yyyy 2016
HPDR_end_mm 11
HPDR_end_dd 06
HPDR_end_hh 00
HPDR_end_min 00
HPDR_end_sec 00
HPDR_slop_begin_unixtime 1477983600
HPDR_slop_begin_unixtime_ms 1477983600000
HPDR_slop_begin_yyyymmdd 20161101
HPDR_slop_begin_yyyy 2016
HPDR_slop_begin_mm 11
HPDR_slop_begin_dd 01
HPDR_slop_begin_hh 00
HPDR_slop_begin_min 00
HPDR_slop_begin_sec 00
HPDR_slop_end_unixtime 1478415600
HPDR_slop_end_unixtime_ms 1478415600000
HPDR_slop_end_yyyymmdd 20161106
HPDR_slop_end_yyyy 2016
HPDR_slop_end_mm 11
HPDR_slop_end_dd 06
HPDR_slop_end_hh 00
HPDR_slop_end_min 00
HPDR_slop_end_sec 00


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