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hplrvros 1.1.0
This project provides tools to create and deploy runtime monitors for your Robot Operating System applications.
GitHub Features
This package can be installed with pip:
pip install hpl-rv-ros
You can use this project to generate code both as a library and as a standalone tool.
First, you will need a mapping of ROS topic types to message types.
This can be specified in YAML or JSON formats, when provided as a file.
For example:
%YAML 1.2
# file: topics.yaml
/a: std_msgs/Int64
/b: std_msgs/Int64
/p: std_msgs/Bool
/q: std_msgs/Bool
Then, you will also need to provide a HPL specification. This can be either a list of properties, or a .hpl file, depending on how you want to use this package.
As a Standalone Tool
This package provides the hpl-rv-ros CLI script.
Required Arguments
a path to the topic type mapping file
either a list of properties or a list of .hpl files, depending on flags
Optional Arguments
flag --rospy: generate ROS1 code instead of ROS2 code
flag -f or --files: treat positional arguments as a list of paths to .hpl files instead of a list of properties
argument -o or --output: pass a path to an output file for the generated code (default: print to screen)
To generate ROS2 code:
hpl-rv-ros -f -o topics.yaml properties.hpl
To generate ROS1 code:
hpl-rv-ros --rospy -f -o topics.yaml properties.hpl
As a Library
This repository provides the hplrv_ros Python package.
from typing import Dict, List
from pathlib import Path
from hpl.ast import HplProperty
from hpl.parser import property_parser
from hplrv_ros.rclpy import generate_node as generate_rclpy
from hplrv_ros.rospy import generate_node as generate_rospy
parser = property_parser()
topic_types: Dict[str, str] = { '/a': 'std_msgs/Int32' }
properties: List[HplProperty] = [parser.parse('globally: no /a {data > 0}')]
rclpy_code: str = generate_rclpy(properties, topic_types)
rospy_code: str = generate_rospy(properties, topic_types)
path: Path = Path('')
path.write_text(rclpy_code, encoding='utf-8')
path = Path('')
path.write_text(rospy_code, encoding='utf-8')
GitHub Features
The .github directory comes with a number of files to configure certain GitHub features.
Various Issue templates can be found under ISSUE_TEMPLATE.
A Pull Request template can be found at
Automatically mark issues as stale after a period of inactivity. The configuration file can be found at .stale.yml.
Keep package dependencies up to date with Dependabot. The configuration file can be found at dependabot.yml.
Keep Release Drafts automatically up to date with Pull Requests, using the Release Drafter GitHub Action. The configuration file can be found at release-drafter.yml and the workflow at workflows/release-drafter.yml.
Automatic package building and publishing when pushing a new version tag to main. The workflow can be found at workflows/publish-package.yml.
This package sets up various tox environments for static checks, testing, building and publishing.
It is also configured with pre-commit hooks to perform static checks and automatic formatting.
If you do not use tox, you can build the package with build and install a development version with pip.
Assume cd into the repository's root.
To install the pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install
To run type checking:
tox -e typecheck
To run linting tools:
tox -e lint
To run automatic formatting:
tox -e format
To run tests:
To build the package:
tox -e build
To build the package (with build):
python -m build
To clean the previous build files:
tox -e clean
To test package publication (publish to Test PyPI):
tox -e publish
To publish the package to PyPI:
tox -e publish -- --repository pypi
To install an editable version:
pip install -e .
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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