
Creator: railscoder56

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Hammerspace CLI tool and python toolkit (hstk)
Supports Hammerspace release 4.5.x and later, and python 3
Installing with pip
The easiest way to install the hs command + hstk library is with pip. You may
need to use your package manager (yum/apt/etc) to install the python-pip
package. Once you have the 'pip' command, decide if you want to install for
all users in the system libraries or for just your account.
As your user (installs in your account only) or using sudo/root (installs in system directories):
$ pip3 install hstk
This will pull down the needed dependencies as well. This does not install the
bash completions, see shell completions
python click dependency
There is a dependency on the click python package. It is known to work with
click version 6.7 that comes from the EPEL repo for centos 7. The easiest
thing to do is to grab that RPM. If you have EPEL repos enabled:
$ yum install python2-click
If not, you can build your own RPM of click... This example grabs an older version
of click, if you try a newer version and it doesn't work, plese file a bug at
yuminstallrpm−build wget https://github.com/pallets/click/archive/6.7.tar.gz
tarxzvf6.7.tar.gz cd click-6.7/
python2setup.pybdistrpm ls -l dist/click-6.7-1.noarch.rpm
-rw-r----- 1 user group 120312 Dec 18 19:59 dist/click-6.7-1.noarch.rpm
building hstk rpm
$ git clone https://github.com/hammer-space/hstk.git
cdhstk python3 setup.py bdist_rpm
$ ls -l dist/hstk-
-rw-r----- 1 root root 20652 Dec 18 20:01 dist/hstk-
shell completion
The above pip and rpm install methods don't configure shell completion. The
short version, for bash, to enable system wide completions, add this file
cat/etc/bashcompletion.d/hsbashcompletioneval"(LANG=en_US.utf8 _HS_COMPLETE=source hs)"
More details on how to enable shell completion are available from the
Click Project
Installing on a system that is not connected to the internet
Install base python3 RPMs on target system
python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools
move on to 'Collect and install wheel files for any Distro'
Collect and install wheel files for any Distro
On an internet connected system, generate the pip requirements and download all
needd packages.
python3 -m hstk_for_req
source hstk_for_req/bin/activate
pip3 install hstk
mkdir /tmp/hstk_pkgs
cd /tmp/hstk_pkgs
pip3 freeze > requirements.txt
Note that you may need to remove some old packages installed by RPM for
download to work, I removed the 'gpg==' and 'rpm==' lines from the generated
pip3 download -r requirements.txt

Copy that directory over to your offline system and (assuming you are going to
install into a venv)
python3 -m venv hstk
source hstk/bin/activate
cd /path/to/hstk_pkgs # copied over to this node
pip3 install *.whl


No longer works with Hammerspace 4.6.4 and earlier
Removed support for python2
Moved to shadow gateway file for issuing commands, benefits include

no limitation on length of hammerscript command
doesn’t lock out the directory on the client it was run from on long running commands
better support for windows

For windows, is write a bunch of null padding. For some reason if the write to the shadow gateway file isn't big enough it will not be pushed all the way through the stack on a windows client.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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