htheatpump 1.3.2

Creator: railscoder56

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htheatpump 1.3.2


Easy-to-use Python communication module for Heliotherm and
Brötje BSW NEO heat pumps.

GitHub repo:
Free software: GNU General Public License v3

This library provides a pure Python interface to access Heliotherm and
Brötje BSW NEO heat pumps
over a serial connection. It’s compatible with Python version 3.7 and 3.8.


read the manufacturer’s serial number of the heat pump
read the software version of the heat pump
read and write the current date and time of the heat pump
read the fault list of the heat pump
query whether the heat pump is malfunctioning
query for several parameters of the heat pump
change parameter values of the heat pump
fast query of MP data points / parameters (“Web-Online”)
read and write the time programs of the heat pump

Tested with [*]

Heliotherm HP08S10W-WEB, SW 3.0.20
Heliotherm HP10S12W-WEB, SW 3.0.8
Heliotherm HP08E-K-BC, SW 3.0.7B
Heliotherm HP05S07W-WEB, SW 3.0.17 and SW 3.0.37
Heliotherm HP12L-M-BC, SW 3.0.21
Heliotherm HP07S08W-WEB, SW 3.0.37
Heliotherm HP-30-L-M-WEB, SW 3.0.21
Brötje BSW NEO 8 SW 3.0.38

thanks to Kilian, Hans, Alois, Simon, Felix (FelixPetriconi) and Matthias for contribution

You can install or upgrade htheatpump with:
$ pip install htheatpump --upgrade
Or you can install from source with:
$ git clone
$ cd htheatpump
$ python install

Getting started
To use htheatpump in a project take a look on the following example. After establishing a connection
with the Heliotherm heat pump one can interact with it by different functions like reading or writing
from htheatpump import HtHeatpump

hp = HtHeatpump("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=9600)
# query for the outdoor temperature
temp = hp.get_param("Temp. Aussen")
# ...
hp.logout() # try to logout for an ordinary cancellation (if possible)
from htheatpump import AioHtHeatpump

hp = AioHtHeatpump("/dev/ttyUSB0", baudrate=9600)
await hp.login_async()
# query for the outdoor temperature
temp = await hp.get_param_async("Temp. Aussen")
# ...
await hp.logout_async() # try to logout for an ordinary cancellation (if possible)
A full list of supported functions can be found in the htheatpump documentation at
There are also some sample scripts that are part of the htheatpump package and
can be run immediately after installation, e.g.:
$ htquery --device /dev/ttyUSB1 "Temp. Aussen" "Stoerung"
Stoerung : False
Temp. Aussen: 5.0

This library uses the logging module. To set up logging to standard output, put
import logging
at the beginning of your script.


Please note that any incorrect or careless usage of this module as well as
errors in the implementation can damage your heat pump!
Therefore, the author does not provide any guarantee or warranty concerning
to correctness, functionality or performance and does not accept any liability
for damage caused by this module, examples or mentioned information.
Thus, use it on your own risk!

Contributions are always welcome. Please review the
contribution guidelines
to get started.
You can also help by reporting bugs.

Wanna support me?


Created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
Project dependencies scanned by

Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.


1.3.2 (2022-01-13)

updated copyright statements
some minor improvements in the tests
fix: removed log of loaded definition file path (HTHEATPUMP: load parameter definitions ...)
to get a clean JSON output in the sample scripts (e.g.

1.3.1 (2021-01-20)

replaced Travis CI by GitHub Actions
added async version of console scripts
updated copyright statements
some minor cleanup and improvements

1.3.0 (2020-12-28)

added new class AioHtHeatpump for asynchronous communication (async/await) with the heat pump
Python code reformatting using Black and isort
moved protocol related constants and functions to
dropped support for Python 3.5 and 3.6

1.2.4 (2020-04-20)

added support for Python 3.8
some minor cleanup and improvements
changed log statements to the form with the preferred and well-known %s (and %d, %f, etc.)
string formatting indicators (due to performance reasons)
added additional heat pump parameter (data points) Hauptschalter in htparams.csv

1.2.3 (2020-03-31)

changed behaviour of HtHeatpump.reconnect(), which will now also establish a connection if still not connected
added sample scripts (e.g. htcomplparams, htquery, etc.) to be part of the htheatpump package
clean-up of and

1.2.2 (2020-03-29)

added sample file htparams-xxxxxx-3_0_20-273.csv with a complete list of all heat pump parameters
from a Heliotherm heat pump with SW 3.0.20
added new sample script to create a complete list of all heat pump parameters
added some more heat pump parameters (data points) in htparams.csv
Python code reformatting using Black
changed package requirements structure; some changes in, setup.cfg, tox.ini, etc.

1.2.1 (2020-02-07)

updated copyright statements
added factory function from_json to classes TimeProgPeriod, TimeProgEntry and TimeProgram
fixed issue with fault lists with larger number of entries (in HtHeatpump.get_fault_list());
thanks to Alois for reporting
added new function HtParam.check_value_type to verify the correct type of a passed value;
the type of a passed value to HtHeatpump.set_param() will now be verified
fixed issue with passing a larger number of indices to HtHeatpump.fast_query()

1.2.0 (2019-06-10)

added support for Python’s “with” statement for the HtHeatpump class
added some more unit-tests (especially for the time program functions)
extended the sample scripts to query for time programs of the heat pump
added new sample samples/ to read the time programs of the heat pump
added new functions to write/change time program entries of the heat pump (see HtHeatpump.set_time_prog...)
added new functions to read the time program of the heat pump (see HtHeatpump.get_time_prog...)
added type annotations and hints for static type checking (using mypy)
splitted up property HtHeatpump.verify_param to HtHeatpump.verify_param_action
and HtHeatpump.verify_param_error
renamed exception ParamVerificationException to VerificationException
added support for Python 3.7
dropped support for Python 3.4
added some more heat pump parameters (data points) in htparams.csv

1.1.0 (2019-02-23)

added some more heat pump parameters (data points) in htparams.csv
extended sample script by the possibility to write a JSON/CSV file
added new sample scripts and
fixed some formatting (flake8) errors
some improvement for the reconnect in the login() method of class HtHeatpump
changed return type of HtHeatpump.get_fault_list() from dict to list
added support for Python 3.6
added support for a user specific parameter definition file under ~/.htheatpump/htparams.csv
extended sample to store also the limits (MIN and MAX) of each data point
added method to verify the parameter definitions in htparams.csv during a HtHeatpump.get_param(),
HtHeatpump.set_param() or HtHeatpump.query(); this is just for safety to be sure that the
parameter definitions in HtParams are correct (deactivated by default, but can be activated by
setting the property HtHeatpump.verify_param to True)
added new method HtHeatpump.fast_query() to retrieve “MP” data point values in a faster way (“Web-Online”)
extended the HtHeatpump.login() method to perform an update of the parameter limits if desired

1.0.0 (2018-01-12)

First release on PyPI.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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