htpwd 0.1.1

Creator: railscoder56

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htpwd 0.1.1

Apache Password Changer-----------------------A web Interface for users change their own passwords on a htpasswd file.Introduction------------Apache Password Changer is a simple Flask project that provides resourcesto users change their own passwords in a secure way.(usually this operationneeds to be done by an administrator with direct access to the server).Requirements------------* Apache and gunicorn installed or similar setup.* The htpasswd file must be exist.* The site must be served through SSL (Security Reasons).For more information, take a look at: ways to deploy are available as well (uwsgi, passenger and others) at thesame page.Installation-----------1. Install the project through PIP (a virtualenv is highly recommended):```pip install htpwd```Configuration - Apache + Gunicorn---------------------------------For quick purposes, the samples included in the deploy directory can help a fastdeploy in an Apache WebServer. If you choose to do so, the following guidelinescan be applied: * Create a specific user and group to run the project; * Copy the '' and '' to the home directory of the user created and change the environment variables contained in '' as per following: * HTPASSWD_FILE: The location of htpasswd file (eg: /data/app.htpasswd) * SECRET_KEY: Secret key that will be used within session and echo "SOMESTRINGHERE" | md5sum * REGEXP: Some verification regexp, that will be used to verify the user name field. Must be provided. If False, it will be defined as [A-z0-9_.]+, all possible matches. eg: ^\d{11}@ENTERPRISE$ will match Brazilian CPF appended with the @ENTERPRISE suffix. * TARGET_PAGE: The link for a page which the user can access with the new password. eg: you need a diferente port for the gunicorn process, change it in gunicorn.pymodule.Bellow a full example of the changes needed:Base subdomain: htpwd.mydomain.comUser: htpwdGroup: htpwdSecret Key: "MYKEYAAFADFADFAF"Regexp: \d{11}```#Define all needed environment variablesHTPASSWD_FILE=/data/myfile.htpasswdSECRET_KEY="MYKEYAAFADFADFAF"REGEXP="\d{11}" And export thenexport HTPASSWD_FILE SECRET_KEY REGEXP TARGET_PAGE# Activate the virtualenv and then, start gunicornsource /data/backstage3.3/bin/activategunicorn -D -c htpwd.htpwd:app``````import multiprocessing#The internal port, must be the same on the Apache Proxy configurationbind = ""# The best default configuration everworkers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1```htpwd_httpd.conf################```#A virtualhost with SSL and mod_proxy activated.<VirtualHost *:443> ServerName, SSLEngine on SSLCertificateFile /data/your.cert SSLCertificateKeyFIle /data/your.key ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/htpwd_errors.log CustomLog /var/log/httpd/htpwd_custom.log common ProxyPreserveHost On<Location "/"> ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse RequestHeader set X-FORWARDED-PROTOCOL ssl RequestHeader set X-FORWARDED-SSL on</Location></VirtualHost>```Development-----------To develop using the package, you must install the requirements as noted, definethe environment variables and then, start the development server through the command:```runserver -d -r```Translations------------TO translate the pages included in the project, you must first add a new languagein the LANGUAGE DICT using the ISO language notation(info available at, like the example bellow:LANGUAGE = { 'en': 'English', 'pt_BR': 'Português do Brasil', 'es': 'Espanish'}As noted, the espanish language was added into the current languages suuport.By default, the project supports English (Native in the whole project) andBrazilian Portuguese. After add a new language, you need to init the directorywith include the gettext .po file designed for the target language (at the topof directory):```pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot .pybabel init -i messages.pot -d translations -l <ISO_LANGUAGE>```After that, a new directory will be created insided the translations directory,within and LC_MESSAGES directory and a messages.po file; this last file, containsall strings that will be translated.For easy use, we recommend the translation using the poeditor or 'Loco' availableat which allow users to translate and get .po and .mo filesdirectly from browser.


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