huunq 0.0.2

Creator: bradpython12

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huunq 0.0.2

huunq: DBAPI2 Interface for kdb+
huunq is an experimental Python package providing a DBAPI2-compliant interface for interacting with kdb+ databases.
The project was designed as a learning tool to understand Python's DBAPI2 specification and KX Systems new Python-first interface for the q language and its time-series vector database kdb+: pykx.
It's a lightweight, easy-to-use solution for Python developers looking to integrate kdb+ into their applications.

DBAPI2 compliant interface for kdb+.
Context management for connection objects.
Error handling and custom exceptions.
Type hinting for improved readability and maintainability.

huunq is installable from PyPI using pip.
$ pip install huunq

Here's a quick start quide on using huunq to interact with a kdb+ database:
from huunq import connect

# Establish a connection
with connect(host="localhost", port=12345) as conn:
# Create a cursor object
cur = conn.cursor()
# Execute a query
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM mytrades WHERE price > 0.5")
# Fetch results
results = cur.fetchall()

(Remember to replace localhost and 12345 with your kdb+ database host and port)
For more detailed documentation, please refer to the docstrings within the code. Each exposed function, class, and method is documented to explain its purpose and usage.

huunq is an experimental project and is not recommended for production use. It's designed primarily as a learning tool.
huunq is an independant effort and is not officially affiliated with KX Systems



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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