hybridq 0.8.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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hybridq 0.8.2

HybridQ: A Hybrid Simulator for Quantum Circuits

HybridQ is a highly extensible platform designed to provide a common framework
to integrate multiple state-of-the-art techniques to simulate large scale
quantum circuits on a variety of hardware. HybridQ provides tools to manipulate,
develop, and extend noiseless and noisy circuits for different hardware
architectures. HybridQ also supports large-scale high-performance computing (HPC)
simulations, automatically balancing workload among different processor nodes
and enabling the use of multiple backends to maximize parallel efficiency.
Everything is then glued together by a simple and expressive language that
allows seamless switching from one technique to another as well as from one
hardware to the next, without the need to write lengthy translations, thus
greatly simplifying the development of new hybrid algorithms and techniques.
Getting Started
Tutorials on how to use HybridQ can be found in
Salvatore Mandrà
Jeffrey Marshall (noise models)
How To Cite
[1] S. Mandrà, J. Marshall, E. Rieffel, and R. Biswas, "HybridQ: A Hybrid
Simulator for Quantum Circuits",
IEEE/ACM Second International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software (QCS) (2021)
Publications Using HybridQ
[1] X. Mi, P. Roushan, C. Quintana, S. Mandrà, J. Marshall, et al.,
"Information scrambling in quantum circuits",
Science 374, 6574 (2021)
For technical documentation on how to use HybridQ, see hybridq/docs.
HybridQ can be installed by either using pip:
pip install hybridq

directly from the GitHub repository (to locally compile HybridQ C++
pip install git+https://github.com/nasa/hybridq

using a zip file:
pip install hybridq.zip

or by using conda:
conda env create -f envinronment.yml

HybridQ is also available as docker container (compiled for a generic
x86-64 architecture):
docker pull smandra/hybridq

Installation Troubleshoots
HybridQ depends on KaHyPar, which
requires the Boost C++ Library installed in the
system. To properly install KaHyPar, the following steps usually work:

Clone KaHyPar:

git clone git@github.com:SebastianSchlag/kahypar.git /tmp/kahypar \
--depth=1 \
--recursive \
--branch 1.2.1

Force installation of minimal Boost library:


sed -i '' -e "$(echo -e '/option(KAHYPAR_USE_MINIMAL_BOOST/,/)/c\' \
"\noption(KAHYPAR_USE_MINIMAL_BOOST \"\" ON)")" \


sed -i '/option(KAHYPAR_USE_MINIMAL_BOOST/,/)/c\option(KAHYPAR_USE_MINIMAL_BOOST \"\" ON)' \

Install KaHyPar:

export CXXFLAGS='-fPIC' && pip install -U /tmp/kahypar/ --force-reinstall

Alternatively, it is possible to use Conda to properly install KaHyPar:

Clone/unzip HybridQ repository and enter local copy of repository
Create new Conda environment: conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate environment: conda activate hybridq
Install dependencies: conda install make cmake libboost
Export Boost library: export BOOST_ROOT=$CONDA_PREFIX
Reinstall KaHyPar: pip install -U git+https://github.com/kahypar/kahypar@1.2.1 --force-reinstall

Depending on the system, the user may still need to install an updated version
of gcc/g++ to complete the installation of KaHyPar. On MacOSX, it is suggested to use
clang++ as compiler for KaHyPar because of potential linking problems. To force
the use of clang++ to compile KaHyPar, run export CXX=clang++ before point 6.
HybridQ uses OpenMP to parallelize the C++ evolution core. However,
clang on MacOSX does not directly support OpenMP. The easiest way to
overcome this limitation is to install a version of g++ which support the
standard C++17. Otherwise, HybridQ will be installed without OpenMP
MPI Auto-detection
HybridQ is able to auto-detect the use of MPI by checking if HybridQ
has been launched by either using mpiexec or mpirun. However, auto-detection
may be interfere with other libraries/software. To this end, HybridQ will ignore
the auto-detection of MPI if DISABLE_MPI_AUTODETECT is set to any values, that
RuntimeError: Cannot set NUMBA_NUM_THREADS to a different value once the threads have been launched
After its first launch, quimb pre-compiles some parts of its library using
numba. Such error arises when NUMBA_NUM_THREADS is changed after the quimb
library is pre-cached. The error may be removed by clearing quimb cache as:

Locate quimb installation folder: python -m pip show quimb
Clear cache: rm -fr /path/to/quimb/__pycache__

If the problem persists, try to clean quimb cache and set NUMBA_NUM_THREADS
to the desired number (typically, the number of physical cores).
Run HybridQ in a Docker Container
HybridQ supports the installation in Docker containers. To create a Docker
container, it is sufficient to run:
docker-compose build

which will install HybridQ in the hybridq container (source files will be
stored in /opt/hybridq/). The baseline for the Docker container is
quay.io/pypa/manylinux2014_x86_64. By
default, hybridq container is built by using the general native
architecture. To use a different architecture, run for instance:
docker-compose build --build-arg ARCH=x86-64

with ARCH being any available gcc architecture. The container is built using
python3.7. If a different version of python is needed, it is possible to
specify its version in building time:
docker-compose build --build-arg PYTHON=cp38-cp38

Available versions are:


Once the container is built, HybridQ can be directly used as follows:
docker run --rm hybridq -c 'hybridq /opt/hybridq/examples/circuit.qasm /dev/null --verbose'

and tests can be run as follows:
docker run --rm hybridq -c 'pytest -vx /opt/hybridq/tests/tests.py'

Copyright © 2021, United States Government, as represented by the Administrator
of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All rights reserved.
The HybridQ: A Hybrid Simulator for Quantum Circuits platform is licensed under
the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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