hydra-notebook 1.0.0

Creator: codyrutscher

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hydranotebook 1.0.0

# hydra-notebooksJupyter notebooks integration for Django. Features: - Expose and API to handle notebooks, - Import as modules - Execute by notebook - Embedd to Django-extensions shell plus### ConfigurationJupyter configuration has to be add to the site directory, aside the ```settings.py```### Usage#### Importing and using notebooksAssume, we have a notebook called ```my_notebook``` with the following cell:```pythonclass SampleClass(object): def sample_method(self): print('execute sample_method') pass def sample_method_with_output(self): print('execute sample_method_with_output') return 'output' def sample_method_with_inoutput(self, param, *args, **kwargs): print('execute sample_method_with_inoutput(%s, %s, %s)' % (param, args, kwargs)) return 'output' def __str__(self): return 'sample_class'``````python# To use the module capabilitiesimport hydra_notebookimport notebooks.my_notebook as mynbnew_instance = mynb.SampleClass()new_instance.sample_method_with_output()``` As result:```execute sample_method_with_output```#### Executing notebooks```pythonimport hydra_notebookimport oswith hydra_notebook.NotebookExecutor(path=os.path.join('.', 'notebooks'), fullname='demo_notebook') as e: e()```#### Displaying notebooks as HTML5 page```/notebook/index```: List all notebooks```/notebook/detail/<notebook_name>```: Show a notebook#### Displaying notebooks as JSON```/notebook/```: List all notebooks```/notebook/<notebook_name>/```: Show a notebook```/notebook/<notebook_name>/execute```: Execute a notebook


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