hydropandas 0.12.2

Creator: bradpython12

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hydropandas 0.12.2

Hydropandas is a Python package for reading, analyzing and writing
(hydrological) timeseries data.
The HydroPandas package allows users to store a timeseries and metadata in a
single object. This object inherits from a pandas DataFrame, with all its
wonderful features, and is extended with custom methods and attributes related
to hydrological timeseries.
The HydroPandas package also provides convenient read functions for Dutch hydrological data from:

MODFLOW groundwater models
IMOD groundwater models
WISKI csv files

Install the module with pip:
pip install hydropandas
HydroPandas requires pandas, scipy, matplotlib, tqdm, requests and colorama.
For some functionality additional packages are required:

geopandas: for dealing with shapefiles
pastastore: for reading or storing data from PastaStore
bokeh, branca, folium: for interactive maps
flopy: for reading data from MODFLOW models
xarray: for loading data from REGIS

For installing in development mode, clone the repository and install by
typing pip install -e . from the module root directory.
For installing all the optional packages use pip install -e .[full].
Get in touch

Questions on HydroPandas ("How can I?") can be asked and answered on Github Discussions.
Bugs, feature requests and other improvements can be posted as Github Issues.
Find out how to contribute to HydroPandas at our Contribution page.

Importing a groundwater time series from the BRO using the BRO-id and the tube number:
import hydropandas as hpd
gw_bro = hpd.GroundwaterObs.from_bro("GMW000000041261", 1)

Or import all groundwater time series from the BRO within a certain extent:
oc = hpd.read_bro(extent=(117850, 118180, 439550, 439900))

The Obs class
The Obs class holds the measurements and metadata for one timeseries. There are
currently 5 specific Obs classes for different types of measurements:

GroundwaterObs: for groundwater measurements
WaterQualityObs: for groundwater quality measurements
WaterlvlObs: for surface water level measurements
ModelObs: for "observations" from a MODFLOW model
MeteoObs: for meteorological observations
PrecipitationObs: for precipitation observations, subclass of MeteoObs
EvaporationObs: for evaporation observations, subclass of MeteoObs

Each of these Obs classes is essentially a pandas DataFrame with additional
methods and attributes related to the type of measurement that it holds.
Each Obs object also contain specific methods to read data from specific sources.
The ObsCollection class
The ObsCollection class, as the name implies, represents a collection of Obs
classes, e.g. 10 timeseries of the groundwater level in a certain area. The
ObsCollection is also a pandas DataFrame in which each timeseries is stored
in a different row. Each row contains metadata (e.g. latitude and longitude
of the observation point) and the Obs object (DataFrame) that holds the
measurements. It is recommended to let an ObsCollection contain only one Obs
type, e.g. to create an ObsCollection for 10 GroundwaterObs, and a separate
ObsCollection for 5 PrecipitationObs.
Like the Obs class, the ObsCollection class contains a bunch of methods for
reading data from different sources. See the next section for supported data

Onno Ebbens, Artesia
Ruben Caljé, Artesia
Davíd Brakenhoff, Artesia
Martin Vonk, Artesia


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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